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Carnival Stakeholders Pleased with Junior Calypso Event

Students performing onstage at the recently held Junior Calypso event
Students performing onstage at the recently held Junior Calypso event

Stakeholders of Carnival 2024 are praising this year’s junior calypso event.

They are pleased with the high level of participation from schools, involving students, teachers, and mentors getting ready for the celebration. The focus is particularly on the standards set by the young calypsonians performing on stage and the confidence they displayed.

One major stakeholder mentioned that the aim of the event was to involve not only experienced calypsonians but also young aspiring artists through initiatives like Schools Tour.

Tamara Gibson, Chairperson of the Carnival Management and Planning Committee , stated in a media briefing, “This tour included visits to 16 infant, primary, and secondary schools on the island, where we are bringing carnival and our culture to the children and students of Saint Lucia, so that they can participate and enjoy what is truly ours.”

Carnival is undoubtedly Saint Lucia’s largest festival, encompassing music, masquerade, steelpan, and other vibrant aspects that define the essence of the island’s culture.

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