Letters & Opinion

Avoid bad company: Look before you leap and think before you act!

Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

IN Life these days, nobody forces you to do anything, unlike the slavery period when we had no choices. Seldom do you hear of people being forced to do anything, especially in this part of the world. Instead, we usually choose to do as we please and that is usually called Freedom of Choice. But in having such freedom, you can choose wisely or foolishly, you can make good choices or bad choices. 

You can be coerced or influenced to deal with negativity, and in so doing, make a bad choice, something we sometimes call “following bad company”.

We sometimes choose the wrong partner and wastefully indulge in social habits that have you to spend your hard-earned cash foolishly.  You sometimes can choose the wrong job, or even the worst friend.

Sometimes it’s the wrong environment, but the bottom line it’s about the choices we make.

I listen and pay attention to the comments or critics from both political parties and their opinions of each other, and it is clear that either can influence you to side with them, or support them, on the basis that you have a choice. But remember one can be good or bad, depending on who is bluffing.

Points of views or opinions, or other people’s perspectives should be assessed and evaluated carefully, because there is also bad intent and plenty of misinformation.

The choices we make, good bad or foolishly, can impact on your life independently, and indeed throughout your whole life. Not all can be reversed, but being aware of the good or bad decisions can guide you throughout your life.

Everybody has a motive to do the things they do, most think of self-gain before your gain. Bosses hire you because they assume that your work they pay you for will help them achieve their goals or ambition’s, but while sometimes it profits each other, it can also end-up in exploitation by both or one of the parties.

Remember that in every transaction or relationship you need to assess beforehand, decide for yourself what is in it for you, and if is it a good or bad decision worth associating with.

It is not easy to determine the character of another, or assess all motives beforehand, but using common-sense and dealing with the pros and cons, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, can be considered a good guideline.

We need to be careful of all the decisions we make at all times, there should be no room for errors, bad decisions can be costly, wise ones can be rewarding and regrets are yours to have forever.

We find it interesting to obtain another’s wisdom, or advice, as it is commonly called, but not being analytical or being able to assess for yourself and do the fact-checking can delusional. So, remember always to look before you leap and think before you act, and just maybe, you may make the best decision.

In these times we live in, there are lots of wolves in sheep’s clothing and make-believers, so trod cautiously and be aware of the pitfalls and traps that may be placed in your way.

Deceitfulness is becoming a culture and glamour can be an illusion and a figment of our imagination. Remember at all times that not all that glitters is gold.

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