By Augustus Henry (PhD)
MATT. 17:1-4, After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
A mountain-top experience can hinder purpose
Peter, James and John were on The Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. And the feeling there was so great, Peter said to Jesus, “can we just stay here?” “Can we build a tabernacle for Moses and Elijah, and one for you and us?”
But if Peter, James and John had stayed on the mountain, there would be no first, second and third Peter written; If they had stayed on the mountain, they would not have become the foundation of the early church.
If they had stayed where they were, there would be no book of John written, nor would James pen a letter to explain the writings of the Apostle Paul. If they remained up there, there would be no Peter being the foundation of the new Christian movement; nor would he fulfill his purpose of feeding the Lord’s sheep.
And certainly, if Jesus had settled on the mountain, where would the world be? There would be no Calvary; no Lamb-that-was-slain; no Sunday morning resurrection; no intercession in heaven; and no worthy person in heaven to take the scroll. There would be no hope for humanity in the returning saviour. But I am so glad that Mount Transfiguration was never going to be his last stop, his last rodeo, or his last river to cross.
An impressive stop, not always the best stop
A little boy and his mom were hiking in the rainforest, as it was his first trip in the woodlands, the boy was amazed at the wildlife he encountered. Even more awesome was the beautiful trees and flowers that he saw. He saw butterflies he had never seen before, sounds of birds that were new to him. He was in such awe of his experiences on the way, that the hike became a slow match – his mother had to frequently urge him along.
However, they got to a waterfall and that little boy got out of his mind. He was adamant. He said “mom, we have to stay here!” To his disappointment, his mother said, “we can’t stop now.” Because his mother knew that if they did stop, that little `boy would never see the thunderous wonder of Niagara Falls which was only half a mile away.
We all come to a juncture in which we believe that it is our last stop – when we think that our best achievements are behind us or will never happen. 85 years may feel like the last stop; settling with children and family may feel like the last stop; finishing your master’s degree may feel like a stop; a successful business may feel like the last stop; divorce may feel like the last stop. But who makes the decisions about the number of rivers you have left to cross?
Comfort and complacency can get in the way of the unleashing of God’s potential in you. Retirement can get in the way of God’s next chapter for you. Fear can impede God’s favour on you. Pain, economics, and family struggle can get in your way. But I am here to tell you that this is not your last stop – it’s not your last river. I heard a celebrity say, the biggest barrier to attaining a million dollars is when you arrive at half a million. Wherever you are in your life, if you are still here, you have not met your full potential, and God still has work for you to do.
Every junction a possible river
Whether young or old, he has a work for you. Mozart created 600 works of music before dying at 35. He wrote the first piece at the age of 5 (https://www.operaphila.org/). Bob Marley wrote 164 songs before dying at 36 (Exceptional Caribbean). Martin Luther King Had a PhD by the age of 25. On the other hand, At the age of 87, Pablo Picasso produced 347 engravings in the course of a single year. Mother Theresa received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 at the age of 69 for her global charity work in over 120 countries. At 75, Barbara Hillary became the oldest person and first known black to set foot on the North Pole, and at 80, was the oldest person and first black individual to reach the South Pole (https://historyofblacktravel.com/). Ingeborg Rapoport received his doctorate at 102. God’s plan for your life is not defined by age, circumstances, economics or family pedigree. God will do what God will do in any time, in any space, and in any situation. But there is one contingency, as long as you are still here, you must be willing.
The last river to be determined
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).
The enemy can’t stop God’s plan for your life, but he’ll do his best to convince you to settle along the way.
God doesn’t abort a dream, he doesn’t get talked out of what he’s promised, he doesn’t water down what he’s spoken to us. Now, maybe the reason we do not see that is because we have settled (Joel Osteen). If Satan cannot stop your destiny, and God does not abort it, only you can stop you!
Wherever you are along the journey of your life, there is a new season awaiting!
Ask Abraham, he will tell you that at 100, he fathered his first child.
Ask Job, and he will say I lost everything and everyone in my first life, but God brought me to a whole other plane in a new chapter.
Moses’ greatest achievements were not done as governor in Pharoah’s palace but in the desert.
Ask Samuel, and he will say God called me at 12.
Ask Joseph, and he will say God called me out of a pit and out of prison.
Ask Rehab and she will declare, he called me out of prostitution.
Mohamed Ali was asked how did he train to beat Foreman. He replied, I did thousands of sit-ups hanging from the ceiling. He was asked how many reps did he do each time. His response, I don’t know, because I only began counting when they started to hurt.
Maybe that is where God starts with you – when the pain starts.