
Daren Sammy Cricket Ground to Be Upgraded ๐Ÿ

Aerial view of Daren Sammy Cricket Ground
Aerial view of Daren Sammy Cricket Ground

YOUTH Development and Sports Minister Kenson Casimir stated that preparations are being made for a complete upgrade of the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground [DSCG] to host matches for next yearโ€™s ICC Cricket World Cup.

Saint Lucia is one of the host venues for the global sporting event that is expected to attract cricket fans and sports enthusiasts to the games.

Speaking to reporters, this week, the minister outlined measures being taken to bring the DSCG up-to-shape, as well as, repairs to the road networks and other infrastructural upgrades in the vicinity.

Upon confirmation that Saint Lucia would be a host venue for the ICC World Cup, Casimir said he held dialogue with the Infrastructure Minister who requested that he (Casimir) present โ€œa list of prioritiesโ€. The rehabilitation works will also include repairs to pavements and drainages and other infrastructural works within the community and its environs.

โ€œWe have submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure the list of interventions that would be required from them for Saint Lucia to effectively host the Cricket World Cup,โ€ said Casimir.

โ€œQuite apart from that, we have set up a local organising committee (LOC) โ€ฆand the Ministry of Infrastructure would have about four or five separate sub-groups as part of the LOC,โ€ he added. โ€œAnd so, they would have their full list of interventions that are required.โ€

He reported that work has commenced in the DSCG area. โ€œA comprehensive desilting of drains in the area and to build a massive a drain is expected to be built, as we have started work on the National Aquatics Centre,โ€ Casimir said.

The minister said, one of the interventions in the construction of the Aquatic Centre involves the drainage system, adding โ€œwe will be dealing with that.โ€

He said parking is another issue of concern during the ICC Cricket World Cup, and the LOC has been meeting to discus the options at stake. The issue is being discussed as to whether or not it would be feasible to implement a โ€˜park and rideโ€™ system or to barricade the entire DSCG area. More information will beย  presented later on this matter he added.

Casimir noted that the match schedule for the Cricket World Cup has not yet been released, as patrons await โ€œwith bated breathโ€ for the fixtures.

The minster explained that they were awaiting information on this matter, to put things in place, since โ€œthere are other individuals that are waiting on that information to determine what sort of initiative we put in, by way of marketing and budgeting and selling Saint Lucia to the rest of the world as an alternative destination.โ€

Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad & Tobago will be the seven venues in the Caribbean that will co-host the 2024 men’s T20 World Cup with the US.

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