SO often you hear about social behavior that makes you wonder where are we heading as a nation.
Despite all the good that some parents do for their kids, or the opportunity that the state offers, that good seems not to be good enough.
The struggle to put food on the table, ensure that one has a roof over their heads, clothes to wear, a good education, and all utility bills paid, coupled with gadgets, all that seem not good enough for our children.
They grow up with no care for their fellow man, no respect for their parents, no love for the environment, no responsible attitude, care-not about law and order – it’s like nothing is good enough for them.
That makes me wonder if they care about life in the future, or the continued efforts of the past generation in setting them on the right path.
Murders have become the order of the day, there is rampant rape and child molestation, and abuse is seen as no big thing, as it’s about self, not country or neighbour, far-less their own children.
We seem to embrace a country of dread, where the worst is a daily expectation, and despite our best efforts to guide, to nourish to offer a good education, all seem not good enough for this generation.
World people are destroying the planet to gain wealth, the old biblical quotation of ‘Cleanliness is Next to Godliness’ seems to be a past thought.
It’s a generation full of moral decay, naked bodies line our streets, morality thrown out of the window, and everything good seems to be repelled.
When or how did such values become the norm, my guess is as good as yours, but the truth is this rebellious life style and negative attitude towards life will surely lead us to hell. Not the one to come as prescribed in the bible, but A Living Hell right here on earth.
As to what can be done, or what should be done, the big question is: By Who? Nobody puts their hands up, we all point our fingers at another, usually find someone else to blame, and never see ourselves as part of the problem.
We do not seek Divine Intervention, or Spiritual Salvation, no desire to change or see good. All seems to be about self-gratification.
The poor will continue to perish, the rich will continue to multiply their riches, and the desperate will continue to terrorize. And hope for a better will remain a figment of our imagination.
So, sad that no one listens to the voices of reason or to accepted truths, as we seem to have no problem-solvers, and there seems to be no end to this carnage. I simply wonder who is to blame, or what will be done, or if my eyes see different.
I often wonder how did things get to this stage, when did we drop the ball, how come we did not put the stops when it was most needed. Did we not learn anything from the past, or learn from the mishaps of others? Were there no good models to follow, did we see but cared not to deal with the petty crimes that have now grown larger than life? If we continue not to notice, I wonder what tomorrow will be like?