Letters & Opinion

President Biden Is On A Mission To Build Back Better!

“This pandemic has magnified every existing inequality in our society – like systemic racism, gender inequality, and poverty,” Melinda Gates

Image of Edward Harris
Harris at Large by Edward Harris

There is so much happening in the world today that it is very difficult to decide on what developments should be presented to my reading audience. There is never a dull moment, even in the midst of a pandemic. In recent weeks, there has been a reduction in the COVID 19 restrictions, including in our beloved Saint Lucia. It was an atmosphere of jubilation in New York as fireworks welcomed the return to normalcy. It is my sincere hope that the new freedom was not rushed too soon, especially as we learn about the latest Delta COVID 19 variant.

I have not been hearing anything in our local news about the severe flooding   that is currently taking place in several regions of Guyana. The situation demands extensive relief efforts. It is nothing short of a Natural Disaster. There is substantial infrastructural damage which will cost billions of dollars to be repaired. It is time for us to pay some attention to the developments in Guyana and reach out to help our brothers and sisters in their time of need. It is amazing how suddenly life can change from hope to despair.

The past week saw leaders of the developed free world coming together at the G7 Summit held in the UK to discuss pressing issues of the day including the COVID 19 pandemic. President Biden was warmly welcomed by his colleagues and committed to building back better. It is interesting to note that President Biden, along with other G7 leaders, commit to donating 1 billion COVID 19 vaccine doses for the world.

USA President Joe R. Biden Photo Credit: Vanity Fair

After the G7 Summit, President Biden moved on to Geneva, Switzerland to meet with President Putin where he raised issues regarding human rights, cyber attacks, Ukraine, etc. during the summit. Despite obvious disagreements between the two leaders at the moment, the meeting had a positive tone and the dialogue will continue in the months ahead. Ambassadors will be returning to their posts shortly. It is obvious, that it is the sincere desire of all people of goodwill that President Putin and his comrades in leadership positions will bring Russia in alignment with other nations as together they work toward the objective of building a better world.

It finally happened, after a 12-year run, Israel’s parliament approved a new government, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was ousted by right wing nationalist Naftali Bennett who was sworn in as Prime Minister, leading a government of change. The new Government has a razor thin majority of 60 to 59. It is also important to note that the new prime minister is expected to lead the government for 2 years as part of a power-sharing deal before handing over to a Centrist Yair Lapid in 2023. A razor thin majority and power-sharing in an environment of a coalition of parties is not easily sustainable. Mr. Netanyahu, the astute politician as he is, promised to be back.

The call is getting louder for the UWP government to call elections now. In the meantime, party flags and symbols are being placed along the highways and in other conspicuous places. The Green Party is back and seems ready to do battle. Recently, another Independent Candidate entered the race and maybe a few more individuals will seek to offer themselves to the voters. It seemed at one time that the election campaign would have been affected by the pandemic but recent lifting of restrictions give us hope for a very vibrant campaign period.

Here’s wishing Fathers everywhere, a Happy Father’s Day 2021!

Keep the Faith, expect miracles, and the will of our Creator will prevail.

Stay safe!

Edward Harris

Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant

Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com

Website: https://stluciagreatpropertydeals.com


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