The competitiveness of OECS Micro Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) will be brought into sharp focus in a webinar panel discussion to take place on June 30, 2021 at 11:00.
A panel consisting of MSME executives and entrepreneurs along with senior experts from regional business support agencies and development partners and the OECS Commission will critically examine some of the key issues in the enabling business environment and the business ecosystem which can drive or hinder MSME competitiveness. This includes access to finance; the policy, legislative and regulatory framework for business; and data availability on MSMEs.
The Webinar is being held in recognition of World MSME Day 2021 which is recognised annually on June 27. Every year, UN Member States, UN and other international and regional organisations public and private sector including civil society observe June 27 as World MSME Day, the goal of which is to raise public awareness of the contribution of MSMEs to sustainable development. This is done through research presentations, policy discussions, practitioner workshops and business owner testimonials.
The webinar is intended to be informal, interactive and engaging with a moderator and seven panellists who will begin with a short opening presentation, each on one or more of focus areas. An interactive discussion and question and answer session will follow driven by questions and comments from the moderator and the Zoom and online audience.