On Sunday, July 12th at 8:00 PM the Government of Saint Lucia will present the Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan for Saint Lucia.
Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and the Public Service, Honourable Allen Chastanet, explained that the plan is part the Government’s structured and long term response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The plan was prepared by the Ministry of Finance with recommendations from the Economic Recovery Multi-Sectoral Committee, comprising representatives from the private sector, trade unions and employers. That body was tasked with making recommendations to prepare an Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan given the adverse effects, that “lock down” and physical distancing measures have had on earnings of all sectors within the economy.
![Image of Prime Minister Allen Chastanet](https://www.thevoiceslu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/chastanet2.jpg)
The Government is aware that no segment of our country has been spared from the COVID-19 pandemic and there has been the loss of household income and job security with many Saint Lucians on the breadline. The Government has taken immediate measures to address some of these issues including the income support programme and the national feeding programme.
The COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan primarily seeks to curtail the impact of both global and domestic economic contraction is having on the business sector, drive economic activity through public sector capital investment projects, protect the poor, marginalized and most vulnerable segments of the Saint Lucian population, accelerate reforms that will build the resilience of the private and public sector, strengthen the Health System and continue to build a resilience of Saint Lucia.
All citizens are invited to tune in to the Special Broadcast on Sunday, July 12th 2020 at 8:00 PM on the National Television Network (NTN) and local partner stations. Let’s continue to do this together.