THE Saint Lucia National Trust invites public comment on the Strategic Plan it is developing to guide the organisation over the next decade, commencing 2020. Development of this new Plan started in September 2018 and involved wide consultations with members, focus group sessions, and interviews with organisations and individuals involved in heritage conservation. The consultant developing the Plan submitted the second draft which the SLNT is now disseminating for wider public review and comments. The final Plan will be submitted to members for approval at the next Annual General Meeting in November 2019. To this end, the SLNT will be convening consultations in Vieux Fort on September 18th at the Maria Islands Interpretation Centre from 5p.m. to 7p.m., in Soufriere on September 19th at the Cool Breeze Conference Room from 5p.m. to 7p.m. and with partner organisations and individuals in Castries on October 1st.
In addition, the SLNT is inviting all persons and organisations with an interest in the Trust and/or in the management of Saint Lucia’s shared heritage to review the second draft of the strategic plan, which can be accessed on the Saint Lucia National Trust website. Feedback will need to be submitted by the end of September. Copies are also available for perusal at Pigeon Island National Landmark, Maria Islands Interpretation Centre in Vieux Fort and at Walcott House in Castries.
According to the SLNT: “Our heritage is a shared asset requiring collective action to manage for a more secure future. The Trust was created for this purpose, and pursues this mandate in collaboration with partner organisations and individuals, including our members. The next decade will present opportunities to be explored and challenges we must overcome. We invite you to participate in this process, so that we can build an organisation that can meet your expectations as well.”