SAINT LUCIA joined other countries of the region for a training workshop for Permanent Secretaries and the Heads of Gender Departments of the Borrowing Member Countries (BMC) of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), in Barbados during October 4th to the 5th, 2018.
The focus of the workshop was to present the findings of a recently conducted independent evaluation of CBD’s 2008 Gender Equality and Operational Strategy (GEPOS). Over the two-day period participants engaged in discussions and reflections of the GEPOS Evaluation findings and recommendations and provided feedback on the Bank’s Concept Note for the new GEPOS. In addition, participants deepened their understanding of gender concepts and their application.
Participants were also introduced to tools and techniques that allowed for the effective facilitation of gender themed workshops and presentations.
Among the highlights of the workshop was the identification of opportunities for improved institutional collaboration among regional gender bureaus. UNWomen Barbados Multi-Country Office also profited the opportunity to share their annual work plan at a dinner event organized by UNWomen MCO staff for participants of the workshop.
The Department of Education, Innovation and Gender Relations thanks the Caribbean Development Bank for extending the invitation and hosting the event. This initiative signifies that gender equality is a priority for the bank as they seek to strengthen the capacity of regional gender bureaus.
Saint Lucia was represented by the Ag. Permanent Secretary of the Department of Education, Innovation, and Gender Relations, Ms. Michelle Charles and Ag.Director of Gender Relations, Ms. Janey Joseph. (Ministry of Education)