SAINT Lucia’s head coach, Francis McDonald and captain, Zaine Pierre are both confident ahead of their second CONCACAF Nations Cup encounter on Tuesday 16th October 2018 when Team Saint Lucia plays Haiti in Fort de France, Martinique at 5.00 p.m.
Mc Donald’s confidence buoyed after they fought gallantly in their first match to defeat Antigua and Barbuda 3-0 at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium in St. John’s last month.

Speaking at an SLFA press conference on Thursday 11th October, to officially name the final 17 players travelling to Martinique, Mc Donald said, “Haiti is our next campaign an as we prepare for the next couple of days we have implemented a number of changes in our squad; we have the same component but different variations in the team that led to where we are right now”.
“The team is very technical, they have a great knowledge of the game and it makes it pretty easy to coach them and to implement our strategic plan as we look to take on Haiti”.
“I don’t think my team is nervous, they more than likely are hungry for this game. Setting the record straight; I think the desire is to play and to get by past this game. I think the time is a bit too long, Tuesday 16th is too far and with all the excitement and all the energy in the atmosphere, it’s time to put all of this behind us.
“We have a very strong component and we are aware of all the critical areas and adjustments we have made. We are not afraid; I am very confident with the team and the team has every confidence in me and the Technical Staff knowing that we can put things together so we can have a great campaign in Martinique”.
Mc Donald said, “Haiti will be preparing for us in a particular way and we have some very good surprises for Haiti”.
One wonders whether Mc Donald has any plans to stop FIFA Ranked No. 109th Haiti as he was quick to warn members of the media present when he said, “We are not here to reveal our plans so please don’t ask me what’s my approach. I am not going to give it to you right now, so just to avoid these kinds of questions so please media don’t ask me my plans for the Haiti’s game.

Coach – Mc Donald was asked by the VOICE reporter if there were particular reasons why Leon Alexander, Gregson President Jevic Mc Farlane (Vieux Fort South) and Shane Paul (Micoud) who were part of the winning team in Antigua and Barbuda are now omitted for the Haiti game, and were not on the 17 man squad travelling to Martinique..
His response was, “I think I will leave that question out”.
VOICE: This is one of the teething issues/ or question asked following the recently held Blackheart Tournament when it was learnt that the quartet won’t be travelling with the team to Martinique. I think the Saint Lucia public will be more than happy to know why these players are not part of the squad. I think it’s a fair question.
Mc Donald: “I have learnt in football, there will always be critics, let fans be fans. The players mentioned, yes – they played a vital role in Antigua; there were technical issues and based on that I will not answer that question now. This is not our focus right now”.
VOICE: General Secretary (Victor Reid) or Mr. President (Lyndon Cooper), you want to answer that question. I just need some clarity on what is being considered a “Hot Topic”.
SLFA President Lyndon Cooper said, “We had a request from three leagues, they made the requests for the release of their players back to the respective districts. Marchand, Vieux Fort South and Micoud. The requests were granted, but in the case of Marchand, they withdrew their request.
What has not happened by the SLFA after the SLFA have released the players and what the SLFA has not done is to request the release of those players back to the national setup and hence the reason why they do not appear in the first 17. They are part of our provisional list of 23 and 30 players.
Cooper said, “There is no rush, except to beat Haiti”.
“There are 53,000 things that have been done at the SLFA. I am not sure what should be placed and in what order; it’s a procedural issue that the request has not been sent”.
Cooper said, “The provisional list of 30 players is what we choose from, out of the 30 there is what you call a travelling team of 23. We make the decision from a policy standpoint who gets onto the 23; the coach then makes decision who makes it to the 11.
“The issue is with the players they have released and have not been asked to return onto the national set up. Those are policy issues”.
Zaine Pierre, team captain took the time out to applaud the players for their win over Antigua and Barbuda last month.
He said, “I see a bright future for every one of you, even those that did not make the team traveling to Martinique for the Haiti game”.
Brimming with all the confidence in the world Pierre said, “Just like the Antigua and Barbuda approach we went over there and we got the results; I have no doubt in my mind we are going to get the results for the Haiti game”.
Saint Lucia, the course is clear, and Team Saint Lucia is very ready as they set to do battle, show your support to the players.
The Saint Lucia squad travelling to Martinique includes: Alvinus Myers, Kurt Frederick, Otev Lawrence, Melvin Doxilly, Shawn Evans, MelaniusMullarkey (Defenders), Zaine Pierre, Pernal Williams, Nicholas Lawerence, Delon Neptune, Cassius Joseph, Lester Joseph, RidelStanislas (Midfielders), Andrus Remy, Malik St.Prix, Vino Barclette and Giovanni Deterville (Goalkeepers).
The Technical Staff: Tennyson Edmunds – Manager, Cyril Podd -SLFA Technical Director, Francis Mc Donald – Head Coach, Sean Kirton – Assistant Coach, Jeff Mc Donald – Goalkeeper Coach and Keiber Codrington – Physio.