PRESS RELEASE – THE Business Awards Committee wishes to inform the business community of St. Lucia that the deadline for submission of applications for the St. Lucia Business Awards 2018 has been extended.
The new deadline for submissions is December 1, 2017. The Chamber of Commerce takes this opportunity to urge participation of all businesses by emphasizing that size and sector is not a factor, and thus smaller firms can effectively compete with firms from different sectors and of different sizes.
The award categories as follows:
1. Prime Ministers Award for Innovation
2. Award for Service Excellence
3. Entrepreneur of the Year Award
4. Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
5. Exporter of the Year Award (Goods)
6. Exporter of the Year (Services)
7. Award for Excellence in Human Resource Development
8. Award for Marketing Excellence
9. Award for Corporate Leadership
10. Award for Corporate Social Responsibility
11. Green Award
12. Idea of the Year Award
Applications for the St. Lucia Business Awards are available on the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce’s website,