PRESS RELEASE – To all nursing colleagues, greetings.
It is that time of year again when we celebrate Nurses Day (tomorrow, Friday) or Nurses Week. It is a time when we increase public awareness about nurses and their contribution towards health care.

This year, the International Council of Nurses’ theme is “Nursing — A Voice To Lead — Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.
Nursing is the largest health care profession in the world and so nurses are the key to achieving health-related targets of the SDGs. They are well-trained and educated for maintaining the health and wellness of patient in all aspects. In achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, nurses play lead roles as care-givers, skilled clinicians, innovators, patient advocates, support persons, managers, financial advisors, policymakers and much more. They are the primary providers of health care to all communities in all settings and so are key to the achievements of the SDGs. In fact, if investments in the nursing profession are not made by governments and world leaders, we cannot succeed.
National Nurses Associations play an important role in helping to keep nurses well-informed, advised, encouraged and supported to deliver the best quality nursing care possible.
Universal health coverage is one of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy options. It is the ultimate expression of fairness. If public health has something that can help our troubled, out-of-balance world, it is this: growing evidence that well-functioning and inclusive health systems contribute to social cohesion, equity and stability. They hold societies together and help reduce social tension.
The SDGs are relevant to all of us — in our professional and our personal lives. Each one of us can and is making an impact. Celebrate our achievements, share our stories and use our voices to lead.
Happy International Nurses Day!