THE Cultural Development Foundation, through the Sound Waves – Transforming Youth at Risk through Music Project is continuing in the monitoring and provision of support for the programme’s 50 participants. The project is intended to engage youth at risk, between the ages of 18 and 35 in a music focused training programme.
Phase 1 of the project commenced in December of 2016 at the National Skills Development Centres in Bisee and Vieux- Fort. Trainees completed the three-week programme during which Life-Skills courses were taught. The subjects covered included Stress management, Team work, Critical Thinking and Work Ethics.

Having successfully completed Phase One, trainees are currently undertaking courses in Music Theory, Music Performance, Recording Engineering, ICT- Information Technology, Marketing and Webpage design. Classes are taking place at the St. Lucia School of Music (SLSM) and the National Information Technology Centres.
The St. Lucia School of Music commenced training officially on January 30,with 30 trainees in the north of the island (SLSM) and 13 in the south (The Papel, Laborie). Director of the SLSM, Richard Payne, indicates that in order to meet the deliverables within the time frame of sixto- seven months, each trainee is required to receive a minimum of three hours instructional time, twice weekly. So far, the SLSM has been conscientious in delivering quality teaching by certified teachers in the areas of Music Theory, Instrument Training, and Support Services. Trainees are often punctual and eager to learn.

The Information Technology Course being offered runs concurrent to Music and is being tutored by certified CVQ facilitators from the Department of Technical/Vocational Educational Training in the Ministry of Education. Thirteen trainees are being tutored in Vieux- Fort at the ICT Centre, while the remaining 37 are in Castries. Trainees in Castries attend a four hour class every Wednesday, while those in the south report on a Tuesday. Courses are intense and trainees are engaged in both theory and practical sessions. Trainees have been introduced to two modules (Data Operations 1 & 2) and covered topics such as, use of the computer, components of the computer, computer health and safety, printing and using the USB cord.
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