Letters & Opinion

Viva la Revolucion!

The Independent Eye - By Kensley Peter Charlemagne

I HAVE never been to Cuba and I do not know much of Fidel Castro but the little that I know I appreciate. The one think I know is that there is not one right way to rule the world. I am no big fan of America. I would quicker go to Cuba than America if given the option.

I think it is undemocratic to force democracy down a nation’s throat. America has a history of doing that. There are some difficult decisions to be made and having the guts to do it is an admirable quality. So when in July of 1959 Fidel Castro would lead a revolution in opposition to an authoritarian government and shortly thereafter, impress on the people the biblical quality of “being your brother’s keeper”, where each one taught one and illiteracy was more or less eradicated from an island nation, that is admirable. In our island Saint Lucia our political leaders are happy to keep us ignorant. I do not think that in this 21st. century any child should leave school unable to read.

Cuba and its cadre of professionals has gotten the admiration of people the world over. Over the years we have diluted our education syllabi in the name of reform. There was a time when our people would have travelled the world at primary or secondary school levels and would have been far advanced of their metropolitan counterparts. In the name of globalization we have sold out a lot and lost our uniqueness.

The last administration built a culture of handout and our people over the years have become very dependent.

With the reports I am hearing in the news lately it seems that government is bankrupt. The culture of jobs for the boys has not been curtailed. The promise of a leaner government does not seem to be materializing. Our country is being sold out. I do not see a decrease in our debt burden.

But when will our people wake up? When will they come to their senses that this five year gamble we take on political parties is working to our detriment?

Where are the town halls, the forums? A re-education is needed in this country and it has to be grassroots lead. A revolution is needed and a third alternative has to be looked at, has to emerge and become formidable.

Guyanese and Jamaicans come here and make things work for themselves. They have nothing over us. It is their attitude towards achievement and success that is different. The Cubans would come here and make things work for them. We have to become our brothers’ keeper. Having visited Canada I could see how the Jamaicans collate resources and they are a vibrant, forward community. In and out of island we Saint Lucians continue to fight and undermine each other. But our salvation is in our hands and that may mean that we would have to go through the worst before we can realize our best. Viva la revolucion, whenever it comes around.


  1. My theory for us looshans rejecting the “Gestalt” principle is borne on the dichotomy of the “now French-Then British- shakeup then repeat this “Imperial Switcheroo” 7X reversals:
    Sacre Bleu. I need Phensic just contemplating the implications of these mini Waterloos on the cultural milieu of the peasantry.
    Perhaps there is an anthropological dissertation within this historical “KOMESS” , if not a 3rd Nobel winning publication?
    I hope you consider utilizing your literary fortitude, to publish simple engaging informative exposes that cultivate native sensibilities surrounding sustainable ecological awareness/practices alongside-if not intertwined with your Independent manifesto for next elections.
    That radio station at Soufriere is a “natural” starter platform for said political vehicle?

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