TODAY, May 10 is World Lupus Day. The St. Lucia Arthritis and Lupus Association in its efforts to raise awareness and to educate health care providers and the public at large has organized a conference on this coming Saturday at the Palm Haven Hotel.
This year’s theme is “Lupus Knows No Boundaries”. The conference will highlight the way in which Lupus affects practically every part of the body and will have presentations on Lupus and the skin, pregnancy, how it affects the kidneys, the psychological impact of Lupus and management of Lupus including the importance of self- management.
All Health care providers, allied health personnel, members of the public and corporate St. Lucia are encouraged to attend.
Registration can be done at the the association’s office in Sans Souci, 459-0092, Bay Medical Centre, 459-2640 or Dr. Downes office at the Fitz St. Rose Medical Centre, 453-0857.