THE Caribbean Association of Security Professionals (CASP) is a non-profit organization that is managed by a team of volunteer twelve directors, one of whom is appointed Chairman to coordinate the business of the Board of the local Chapter.
On March 19Mr. Oral Reid, Chairman of CASP (W.I) met at Bay Gardens Hotel, Rodney Bay, Castries with a group of interested owners and operators of security agencies and Trainers to initiate the Saint Lucia Chapter of CASP.
Established in 1998 the Caribbean Association of Security Professionals is committed to the promotion of safety and security best practices in the Caribbean region. We believe that the political, economic, technological and social advancement of our region may be strongly influenced by our ability to provide the highest quality of safety and security service. We believe that this requires an alignment with standards of best practices that are regionally and internationally recognized in the safety and security industry.
Our Vision is to be the leader in the transformation of security practice in the Caribbean through training and the establishment of standards of excellence in security practice.
Our Mission is to develop a highly skilled and engaged workforce that reflects competence in security practice throughout the Caribbean.
Our Aims and Objectives are
1. To promote the CASP Seal of Excellence and encourage standardization in safety and security practice.
2. To promote training excellence through an association with approved Regional and Internationally Accredited Educational Centres.
3. To promote best practice that is informed by contemporary research.
4. To provide a forum for the professional development of our members through the sharing of information at seminars, workshops and regional conferences and exhibitions.
CASP is persuaded that the establishment of partnerships with agencies involved in the creation of policy, at the national level, and the day to day administration and delivery of safety and security services, at the organizational level, are critical to our cause. Conversely, we also seek to engage with members of the corporate community and the public in general to ensure that their needs are being addressed in an efficient, effective and economical manner.
CASP believes that through careful alignment with internationally approved standards of excellence, active research and analysis, developmental strategies and training that the safety and security products and services provided by our members will be enhanced. It is for this reason that our prestigious Seal of Excellence Award in safety and security practice was introduced in 2015 to its members. This is a standards based initiative that is designed to build the capacity of our members to provide the public with the highest quality of safety and security service.
CASP also seeks to engage with our members and the public i.e (home owners and corporate partners) through seminars, workshops and newsletters. These forums create useful opportunities for our membersi.e (Individuals, Agencies and Corporate) to showcase their products and services, provide literature and contact information as they engage with the public on solutions and innovations in the Safety and Security Industry.
The Award of the CASP Seal of Excellence is an annual recognition of members that demonstrate to our Quality Assurance Team, a commitment to maintaining CASP standards at every level (internal and external) of the organization.
Quality Assurance Inspections will be conducted on payment of a fee of Bds $500.00 or US $250.00. Inspections will be conducted annually for the first three years and thereafter for at three (3) year intervals. Random inspections can be conducted during the intervening years as determined by the Administrator of the Quality Assurance Inspectorate and with adequate notice to the member.
1. Demonstrated commitment to International Standards of Excellence in stated Safety and security policy and sustained best practice.
2. Enhanced customer service satisfaction.
3. Cost savings through operational efficiency.
4. Access to new markets.
5. Increased market share
6. Environmental safety
For further details on registration for members and for upcoming Professional Development Seminars and our Annual Regional Conference contact us at;
Telephone: 1246- 431-0956/7
Fax : 1246-430-0399
Email : caribasp.com