Jeannine Compton Makes Pact With The Constituents.

It’s the first time it’s been done in Saint Lucia: a signed contract between a politician seeking office and the people he or she hopes to represent.
Jeannine Compton-Antoine, eldest daughter of former Prime Minister and United Workers Party (UWP) leader Sir John Compton is running in the forthcoming general election as an independent candidate.
It’s her third stab at the Micoud North seat having won it in 2006 under the banner of the United Workers Party with her father as leader, only to lose it five years later in 2011, in the first general election after his death.
Since then, Compton-Antoine has fallen out with the UWP, hence her decision to contest as an Independent.
The move is not without precedence. In 1954, Sir John, who died in 2007, contested the Dennery-Micoud seat as an independent candidate and won against four other contenders.
Although she failed in her bid to retain the seat five years ago, Compton-Antoine is back in the fray arguing that Micoud North deserves good presentation which she can provide. She said her supporters in the constituency have asked her to run again.
The seat is currently being held by Dr. Gale Rigobert, the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Assembly.
The contract was signed Sunday between Compton-Antoine and Cynthia Deroses on behalf of the people of Micoud North.
The document states that the people desire representation based on the principles of good governance including but not limited to accountability, transparency and the rule of law and have asked Compton-Antoine to offer herself as a candidate for the constituency of Micoud North in the next general election;
It said the candidate wishes to continue to serve community and constituency and wishes to ensure accountable, transparent, consensus governance and excellent representation for Micoud North, and thus accepts the invitation of the people to represent them and agrees to offer herself as a candidate for the constituency of Micoud North in the next general election;
The following are the major clauses of the contract in which Compton-Antoine is repeatedly referred to by her first name:
“The people want to be empowered through equitable, inclusive local and national government.
1. JEANNINE will engage the people, as valued stakeholders in the constituency, by :
(a) Collaborating with community representatives and other local, national and international organizations and bodies.
(b) Being available on a regular and consistent basis (at her constituency office or other suitable locations) to dialogue with the constituents individually and collectively as they may wish.
(c) Holding herself accountable to the constituency for fair and transparent government by reporting to the constituency on a quarterly basis and to the national parliament on the following:
i. constituency projects
ii. expenditures
iii. achievements
(d) Conducting herself, in and outside of Parliament in a courteous and respectful manner.
(e) Being punctual and well prepared when representing the constituency.
(f) Conducting the business of The people in a non-partisan manner.
3. The people desire sustainable economic development for the constituency of Micoud North.
4. JEANNINE will ensure sustainable economic development of the constituency of Micoud North by :
(a) Developing, as a top priority, within the first 90 days of government, in collaboration with the constituents, local and national agencies, a social and economic plan for the constituency with emphasis on employment and entrepreneurship growth.
(b) Presenting the social and economic plan to THE PEOPLE, relevant governing bodies, potential funding agencies and business collaborators.
(c) Ensuring the social and economic plan is endorsed by all constituents prior to presentation to other organizations.
(d) Implementing the social and economic plan in a timely and efficient manner together with constituents and various local, national and international stakeholders.
5. The people desire sustainable social development for the constituency of Micoud North.
6. JEANNINE will ensure the sustainable social development of the constituency of Micoud North by :
(a) Providing genuine support to enforcement agencies and social agencies including the Police, the Judiciary, Social Transformation and Local Government Officers, the Family Court, the Crisis Centre, Health Care Providers, the Churches and non governmental and community based organizations to ensure the general safety and the spiritual and physical well-being of the constituents, especially of those most vulnerable.
(b) Supporting and developing recreational services in collaboration with various social agencies and community groups, to provide viable outlets in particular to the youth and the aged.
(c) Developing and implementing social programmes in collaboration with the social agencies, schools, churches and community and non-governmental organizations to ensure the holistic development of constituents.
(d) Revitalizing critical cultural activities that will foster community building and pride and encourage creativity and entrepreneurship within the various communities.
(e) Engaging constituents, agencies and land owners to ensure that all historic sites in the constituency are utilized sustainably to so that they are available for generations to come.
7. The people desire a safe, clean and healthy environment in which to live and work.
8. JEANNINE acknowledges the importance of the environment for the holistic development of the constituency and will:
(a) Collaborate with constituents and local, national and international agencies to ensure the environment is used in a sustainable manner in accordance with international best practices.
(b) Include a sustainable environmental component as part of the social and economic plan, to ensure the sustainable use and protection of critical landscapes and water bodies, both fresh water and marine.
The people agree further to:
(a) Support and participate in the development and implementation of the social and economic plan.
(b) To attend meetings held by JEANNINE and agencies aimed at furthering the development of the constituency.
(c) Support, collaborate and participate in programmes aimed at developing the constituency and constituents.
(d) To hold JEANNINE accountable to the terms of this contract.
(e) Appraise the performance of JEANNINE, annually, at a meeting to be held at the end of each financial year.
1. Should JEANNINE fail to fulfil her obligations herein, the people may choose to hold her accountable and demand performance of this contract.
2. Should JEANNINE fail in performance of the contract the people of Micoud North may request by petition, bearing the signatures of at least three quarters (3/4) of the voting population of Micoud North, that she resign from the office of Parliamentary Representative for Micoud North. Upon receipt of a petition bearing the signatures of at least three quarters (3/4) of the voting population of Micoud North JEANNINE shall demit office”.
Jeannine is synonymous with bluff! We demand a FULL and HONEST report on the expenditure of the Community Development Funds. You lied in Parliament when you said that the funds were managed by the Constituency Council. All contracts were given by you and your clique called the ABC.
By the way, did the Ministry of Education rent the Micoud Public Library to Jeannine for use as her constituency office?
Her mother lives in the shadow of her husband’s greatness (that was).
Never forgave Chas for being the one the people chose for being leader
of the UWP. well what did you expect, after your daughter played ‘Asos’
keeping clandestine meetings with the SLP…….( I know).
Of course they did the dirty on you; who did they send to Barbados to
meet with the U.S. concerning Sir R.F.? you of course. Now you prix. (Pwee)
Don’t come to Micoud and try to fool the people, come clean and speak the
truth. The U.W.P. know that you ratted on them once, Labour wont trust you
since they are in the position to know. So let this be your last Hurrah; good bye.
Before you circulate this piece of bluff,please provide the following for circulation to the Micoud North voters.An audited report(by a creditable accounting firm)showing how much money you received during your time as MP for the area,how it was spent,receipts for all expenditure and payment of all bills,and the balance.Also,included must be where this balance is saved and who has access to it. if YOU ARE INTERESTED IN TRANSPARPARANCY YOU MUST GIVE A FULL ACCOUNT OF YOUR STEWARDSHIP.By the way,you are nothing like Sir keep talking about how he started as an independent,yes he did,but he started in D ENNERY.Maybe you should consider starting there as well.One more thing,when he formed his party,he was able to convince some mps to come with him.Please tell us who from either party can you convince to join you to form a party.None,because you do not posess leadership capability.
How respectful were you in conducting yourself when on the day on which you pushed your resignation letter from the UWP party(although ,at no time did you conduct yourself as a member of the party)under STEPHENSON KING’S door,which incidently was the day of the party’s convention and then proceeded to sondy beach in vieux fort
How respectful were you conducting yourself when you decided to slip your resignation letter under the party leader’s door and then proceed to S andy Beach in vieux fort to party in an undignified manner?
Explain to us why,inspite of a deadline you continuously submitted proposals for funding projects for Micoud North very late,which resulted in late approvals ,thereby giving the impression that the government was not interested in Micoud’s development?
Why did you go the house and ask the government for funding to build a bus shelter for the Patience junction when you had millions of dollars in your possession to be used for projects in that same area?
please remember how you were selected to represent Micoud North.Delegates from other constitutiencies were used to help you win the run-off which should not have happened.How did you repay them?By performing a JUDAS MOVE on them.SIR JOHN WOULD NEVER BETRAYED PEOPLE WHO HAVE HELPED HIM.
pure bs Jeanine. one hand cant cl;ap
thats not true jeanine was never rape she trying to make uwp loose liar now u saying so