SOMETIMES we overlook things that we should notice — we have a “blind spot” where that thing is concerned. Our mind-set prevents us from even recognising that there is a problem. Once pointed out, the invisible becomes more noticeable. Frustratingly, these things are hard to point out to a close friend or loved one, and it does not help that some things are also easy to recognise and understand, but are difficult to predict or to explain.
Here are a few examples of the problem:
* For motorists, it is noticing danger behind their shoulder;
* For hacks, the flaws of their political party; and
* For parents, seeing faults in their children.
Beyond the blind spot, it is not unusual to encounter things easier to recognise than to explain. Drug companies can easily test whether they have manufactured the right compound with the desired impact, but the effort involved in developing those drugs is significant. Even in our personal lives, we are faced with such issues. I’ve heard that said about pornography, and of remorse too. Who knew?
What this means is that the way forward may not be clear, but we have a “compass” to steer us in the right direction on our way there. Some of us may have a “gut feeling” or an instinct, for what we believe to be the right way of doing things. That insight does not necessarily reside with those who are better trained, or more knowledgeable, or even intellectual. It may come from those who are new to the environment, or those close to the front line of operation.
For example, do people leaving your office ever complain that it is annoying to locate and then press a special button marked “push button to exit” before they can even open the door? Many times, the things you take for granted appear differently to another person. That input from others can lead to interesting insights and discoveries, or even solutions. It would be foolish of those in a position of authority to ignore or dismiss such input.
When you see a piece, an arc, of the rainbow in the sky, do you look away and dismiss it? Or, do you search for the rest of the rainbow to complete the missing picture? Someone who complains about something might just be doing you a favour.
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