NEXT Wednesday, the village of Choiseul will kick off the Meet the Commissioner series of town hall Meetings for 2015.
Last month Commissioner of Police Vernon Francois,signalled that there will be a continuation of community policing initiatives and citizens’ engagement this year, as the Police Force continues to build on the successes already achieved in various communities around the island.
This initiative, he noted, had been very well received, to the point of becoming a popular and much anticipated event.
“Over the course of last year, we held five town hall meetings and we registered very good attendances at these meetings. It is an opportunity for the community members to meet the Commissioner and other senior level officers, but most importantly, it is an open forum for us to discuss with them whatever concerns they may have as regards social issues and any controls that the police may be able to either enforce or implement, or just to have their input on policing in general.”