PRESS RELEASE — Heineken Saint Lucia denounces the latest social media trend- the Milk Crate Challenge and encourages Saint Lucians to be safety conscious and abstain from participating. This latest viral sensation which started in North America, challenges individuals to walk across milk crates stacked as stairs without falling. However, despite the popularity of this challenge, it is extremely dangerous and has resulted in significant injury to many in other parts of the world.
![Image of Merle Clarke, President of the SLMDA](
Commenting with great concern on is trend is Dr. Merle Clarke, President of the Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association. “We urge Saint Lucians, particularly the young ones among us to restrain from participating in this dangerous Crate Challenge. It is scary as health care professionals given what we are facing, and we are looking at this with a great deal of trepidation. Our health care system is already bearing the burden of COVID-19 in addition to treating chronic diseases. Therefore, the last thing we need is a huge influx of patients with trauma, as a result of participating in this” Dr. Clarke remarked.
Safety Manager at Heineken Saint Lucia Jeffaust William also commented saying “Our vision for safety is a culture of care! With this, it means extending beyond our operations and premises but also the safety of our customers and consumers alike. It is evident that this Crate Challenge has high risk factors and could result in very severe and permanent effects or even death. Hence, to reduce the likelihood of any such incidences we implore Saint Lucians to desist from any attempts at this.”
Heineken Saint Lucia reminds consumers that its crates are solely designated for storing and transportation of drinks, and strongly condemns the use of crates in any promotion or participation of this Challenge.