All work and no play makes Jack, Jill and their neighbours dull men and women in a fast-paced world where bundles of stressful situations scout all the corners of their lives.
Jack, Jill and the neighbours need not worry for we have found the perfect solution to this problem. Pack your bags, lock your doors and let’s take a trip to any of the Island Neighbours where an exciting experience awaits in the world of nightlife. Dominica has the nightlife experience which will undoubtedly awaken the dormant cells in you.
If dance is your calling, the island has a wide range of discos, nightclubs and pubs which provide entertainment from many gifted blues, jazz and reggae entertainers. You may choose to join in the action as some of these establishments offer weekly karaoke sessions at affordable prices. Is gaming your game? Then, the nature isle offers a range of casino options …novice or veteran, we cater for the development of your gaming skills.
In the French sister isles, nightlife consists of jazz and piano bars, late night clubs and casinos which offer anything from American to French roulette. Each of the French isles boasts the presence of two casinos, several troupes of professional dancers and a musical ambience which mimics the sophistication and European intrigue of France.
While we enjoy ourselves, let us keep in mind that the law guides and enables an atmosphere of tranquility. In the French isles where a plethora of wines will seduce you, be reminded that the legal drinking age is 18 years. The same is true in Dominica.
Island Neighbours extends Happy InternationalWomen’s Day (March 8) to all women. It’s a time to celebrate your femininity, your motherhood and your achievements. Whilst recognizing your struggles, we commend your efforts in the home and in our society.
The Caribbean night fever extends to Guadeloupe. On the weekends you find natives in Casino de Gosier sipping on cocktails in Point de la Vedure, Gosier. Slot machines are on from 10:00am -4:00am and black jack’s at 10Euro. Do you have 100Euro? Well come on! Let’s go gambling in Guadeloupe. Zoo Rock Café in La Marina, Gosier says there’s no night life without Zouk and Ti ponche. The café is opened at nights with live music, humour and dance in the air. The night club imitates a house party, whether Halloween, Havana night or Mardi Gras…you are up to a fabulous evening.
Historical note! Gambling is quite legal in Guadeloupe, in fact the island is well known for cock-fights and oxen pull which entails a bit of gambling too!
Getto know your neighbours!
A bit of the French for the Visitor
Á la discothéque/At the disco
Un verre de vin rouge/blancs’ilvousplait : A glass of red/white wine please
Unbière/deuxbières: One beer/two beers
Servez-vousdel’alcool?:Do you serve alcohol?
Le tire-bouchon :Corkscrew
Le jus de fruits :fruit juice
La boum : party
Le Cacahuetes: peanuts
Est-quel’entréeestpayante? : Is there an entrance fee?
Vousvoulezdanser?: Would you like to dance?
Oui, je veuxbiendanser : Yes, I would like to dance
Quel genre de bière?:What type of beer?
Puis-je vousoffrir un verre?: Can I offer you a drink?
L’additions’ilvous plait: bill/check please
le pourboire: tip
Les boissons: drinks