There has been a lot of talk about the need for political debates but as far as I see what we want more than anything is honest politicians contesting elections.
We cannot waste time listening to politicians who will perform just for the cameras and because they have an audience, then turn back and fail to implement their promises. We watch too much television in Saint. Lucia and think that because it works for the U.S. and elsewhere it will work for us. But we are mistaken.
In the U.S. and Canada people will be held accountable for what they say and do. Not so in Saint. Lucia. Our politicians lie and then lie again to cover up the first lie. Where are the 100 million dollars investment to create jobs we were promised five years ago.
If we are going to have debates can we expect the Prime minister and members of his party to tell us the truth about the issues we want to know about: like the Grynberg matter, Juffalietc. Will the persons interviewing those politicians have the guts to ask them the tough questions?
Frankly, I don’t need to hear any politician on TV to decide who I will vote for.
–S.T. Callendar