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Statement on Impact of Recent Weather System on Water Supply


The Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) informs the public that following heavy rains associated with a Tropical Wave forecast by the St Lucia Meteorological Office, the restrictions mandated by the water-related emergency remain in effect until otherwise advised. WASCO Production, Treatment and Quality personnel have reported that lake levels at the John Compton Dam remain well below the capacity needed to ensure a sufficient supply to its service area through the remainder. Assessments following the recent rains have also revealed damages at the Vanard Intake. Crews are prioritizing repairs to this critical infrastructure in order to restore operations as soon as possible. Recent rainfall has resulted in a gradual increase in water levels on the Gravity system, allowing for a more robust water supply to the Theobalds Treatment Plant in Ciceron. This marginal improvement however, does not contribute significantly to overall water levels on the distribution network.

On the Southern System the Lower Saltibus, Toucousson, Beausejour and Grace networks saw a significant increase in outflow. Despite this positive status, the Patience, Micoud, Desruisseaux and Anse La Verdue networks remain affected by low inflow levels and as such, will continue to have their supply augmented via the community sharing initiative.

The increased precipitation, although beneficial, has not been sufficient to alleviate the ongoing dry conditions that have severely impacted the region. The emphasis remains on continued conservation and efficient management to sustain water supplies through the remainder of the dry season and into the Atlantic Hurricane Season. WASCO takes this opportunity to remind the public that the island’s water supply is still facing a significant shortfall and must continue to prioritize water conservation as a precaution against future supply shortages. We urge the Saint Lucian public to adhere to the restrictions mandated by the water-related emergency and thank them for their continued patience and cooperation.

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