The results of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three (1983) candidates were processed for the 2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment. Of these, one thousand and one (1001) were male and nine hundred and eighty-two (982) were female. Forty- five (45) candidates were provided with accommodations including large print, reader, scribe, reader-scribe and attendant. Thirty-one (31) candidates were absent as a result of illness and being exempted from the examination.
2023 marks the second year that the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment was administered to Grade Six students. The examination consisted of an internal component and an external component which were weighted forty percent (40%) and sixty (60%) respectively.
For this year’s examination, the composite scores ranged from 28.8% to 96.6%. The national mean was 74.2% representing an increase of 3.64% when compared to 70.56% in 2022. One thousand one hundred and twenty-four (1124) or 57% of the candidates scored at or above the national mean, while eight hundred and fifty-nine (859) or 43% scored below the mean. One thousand nine hundred and eighty-three (1983) candidates were assigned to twenty-one secondary schools.
Table 1 reveals the range of scores of candidates assigned to each secondary school.
2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment Results — RANGE OF SCORES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS
Both males and females attained over 70% mean performances in Science, Language and Social Studies.
2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment Results — PERFORMANCE BY GENDER
The national mean performance in each subject area is shown in Table 3. When compared to 2022, there was an increase in performance in all the subject areas. Language recorded the highest performance of 77.25%.
2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment Results — NATIONAL MEAN PERFORMANCES (%) IN SUBJECT AREAS FOR 2022 – 2023
The descriptive statistics for each subject component are provided in Table 4. Mathematics Multiple Choice obtained the lowest mean while Science obtained the highest in the four External Components. All the Internal Components obtained performances above 90%, with Social Studies recording the highest mean.
2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment Results — PERFORMANCE OF CANDIDATES IN EACH SUBJECT TOPIC
The top performers for the 2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment are disclosed in Table 5. These eleven (11) candidates who attained scores of 94.8% and above came from six (6) primary schools on the island. This group consists of four (4) females and seven (7) males with the top score of 96.6%.
2023 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment Results — TOP PERFORMERS