“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything.” Katharine Hepburn
It is a long time since the first Valentine’s Day was celebrated on the 14th of February, 496 AD. Saint Valentine’s Day this year will be celebrated amidst news about the substantial decline in cases of COVID 19 and its variants as many States in the U.S.A. are doing away with the Mask mandate. Citizens everywhere are tired of masking up and are protesting. Canada’s government is currently under pressure to amend the protocol relating to masks. People just want to be free, even if freedom comes with a price too heavy to bear.
This Valentine’s celebration will be very much unlike 2021 and we can expect to see gatherings at various activities such as church services, luncheons, sunset boat rides, evening parties, concerts, etc. Dancing is a very special feature of the celebration. Everyone wants to be close to the love of their life. I pray that there will be no need to return to full adherence to the previously established protocols. I believe that with the restlessness and disgust with the present state of affairs regarding the various protocols, it is very likely that there will be no returning when the gates are fully opened. The people will get their way.
Looking back on my life, Valentine’s Day is a very special day of celebration which from the first time my heart skipped a beat and I felt the joy of love for the opposite sex, to this day, I celebrate this occasion with gratitude to my Creator. I feel that with all the joy that is shared on this special day, Governments should consider making it a Public Holiday.
In a few days, the lovers of the world will be expressing their love with the exchange of greeting cards, gifts – such as red roses, nightwear, perfumes, and chocolates which are staples at this time, along with dinner dates and stay-overs at hotels. It is definitely a wonderful day of the year. In times like these, all we need is LOVE and you are at liberty to express your LOVE for that special someone publicly and freely on Valentine’s Day. I will not be surprised to see some very intimate embraces in public places as unlike many other countries in the region St. Lucians like to hug and kiss, most times kissing on the forehead and cheeks.
On a serious note, I can see a future where COVID 19 is going nowhere and we will have to coexist with the virus. Our haste to get back to normal has proven the old adage – more haste, less speed on a few occasions. We will have to relearn that Patience is a virtue. It will have to be applied in situations as we continue to strive to survive in these chaotic times. That makes Valentine’s Day celebration a welcomed occasion at this time.
The Bible speaks to the virtues of Love and it can be a blessing to meditate on the passages of scriptures that extol the benefits of it. Song of Solomon 4:10. “How fair is thy Love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!” The experience of Valentine’s Day can be so much more fulfilling if it is grounded in the principles of our Creator. I suggest that firstly, we try to experience the gift of our Creator because he first loved us, and share that love in every thought, word and deed.
I wish my readers, friends, and well-wishers, lots of love. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe! Blessings!
Edward Harris
Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant
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