
Anchorage Opens — Shopping Complex Features 22 Stores

Anchorage on the Waterfront
Anchorage on the Waterfront

Anchorage on the Waterfront (the latest addition to the Castries Market Redevelopment Project – phase 2) officially opened last week, with a formal ceremony attended by both government and private sector officials.

The shopping complex features 22 shops including the Saint Lucia Marketing Board, bars, an ice cream parlour, a hair salon, a jewellery store, a bike tour company, a furniture outlet, and more.


With a view of the Castries Harbour, Anchorage offers a full-on experience for visitors and locals alike.

“The project started by having numerous meetings – myself, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Tourism, the Head of Castries Constituency Council, and others. Then there was this friendly banter even before the project started [as to] who will control it… the long and short of it [is] amidst this friendly banter, we decided the resolution of the problem was to form a management committee to oversee the operations of this facility,” Member of Parliament for Castries Central, Richard Frederick, said, at the opening ceremony on Friday.

“It came with many problems… and I remember… telling the prime minister I’m inundated with resistance [and] I have a lot of work to do to get the project executed. He looked at me and said we all know… for the sake of development, you will get it done,” the minister added.


Furthermore, he stated, “I had to deal with the fishermen and… it is high time our people… understand that there are times when we set aside personal interest in the interest of development … they did not want to move, notwithstanding that they have no running water, no ice, and they sell fish in unhealthy conditions, and I make no bones about it.”

“We provided them with a facility that cost us over $200,000 with ice machines and running water, the two quintessential features for proper fish vending, notwithstanding that, the resistance was still there,” he noted.


The development of the facility was one of several components of the Castries Market Redevelopment Project aimed at improving the market’s competitiveness in urban and cultural tourism.

“Execution of this project necessitated cross-ministerial efforts,” Frederick said, noting that “all the efforts came together, and of course, I had my part to play which I believe I discharged with utmost dexterity.”

It’s a great setting for carnival, Tourism Minister Dr Ernest Hilaire said at the opening.

“When we watch the video clip of what was before and what it is now, you can really appreciate the transformation that has taken place in this particular area. We had the media launch of carnival… and so many of the scenes of the Waterfront actually showed this building in the background and the murals of the two buildings across. It really presented an exciting setting for our carnival,” the minister said.


Furthermore, he added, “You can imagine this year what will happen when the bands come along this route… to really show off… the setting that we have. Tourism is really important to Saint Lucia and Saint Lucia continues to grow as a premier destination of choice.”

Last year, he noted, “We surpassed our pre-COVID numbers; 2024 was, in fact, our best year for tourist arrivals in Saint Lucia. Over the last two to three years, we’ve also received probably the most awards ever that we’ve received for tourism, and two weeks ago, we were nominated in nine categories for the World Travel Awards including for the first time The Caribbean Leading Cruise Destination. Hopefully, we will win more awards than we’ve ever won before.”

And as a destination of choice, “We have to continue to present products and experiences that will allow visitors to choose Saint Lucia,” the minister added.

Side view of “Anchorage”
Side view of “Anchorage”

The opening ceremony was held at the decommissioned Saint Lucia Marketing Board Building site on the intersection of Jn. Baptiste Street and Carl Crescent Road.

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