
Urgent Community Preventative Action to Combat Dengue Outbreak, Health Ministry

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs has declared a dengue outbreak in Saint Lucia as reported cases of the viral infection continue to rise sharply. Since the start of 2024, the Ministry has confirmed 205 cases, with the majority concentrated in the northern regions of the island, particularly Castries and Gros Islet. This concerning trend calls for immediate and targeted public health interventions.

According to Dr. Michelle Francois, National Epidemiologist in the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs, the increase in dengue cases is significant, with August alone accounting for 47% of all cases this year. “This surge in cases, which represents a 174% increase from July, marks a critical turning point in our dengue response efforts. We are seeing an increase, with September already confirming two-thirds of the August figures. The public must act now to reduce mosquito breeding sites in their homes and communities,” urged Dr. Francois.

About 75% of dengue infections are asymptomatic or produce a very mild febrile illness. Persons with mild dengue may present with fever, accompanied by rash, nausea or vomiting, pain behind the eye, muscle and joint pain.

The Ministry has launched an intensified public health campaign to combat this emerging threat, stressing the importance of personal prevention measures and community cooperation. Dr. Francois further explained, “The Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue, thrives in man-made containers and urban environments. Simple actions such as disposing of stagnant water, covering water storage containers, and using insect repellent can significantly reduce the risk of transmission. Together, we can break the cycle and protect our families and communities,” emphasized National Epidemiologist Dr. Francois.

There is no specific treatment for dengue and management is supportive based on clinical presentation. Testing for dengue is available in Saint Lucia and the Ministry of Health and Wellness urges persons who may be experiencing signs and symptoms can seek care at their nearest Wellness Centre.

The Ministry will continue to monitor the dengue situation closely and provide regular updates. The public is encouraged to stay informed and take the necessary steps to prevent the further spread of the disease.

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