
Saint Lucia’s Most Pressing Need: Strong Men in Family and Society

Saint Lucia is crumbling internally from vices that have been talked about in the past but are left to rot while those who can make a difference by stopping this rot turn a blind eye, interested only in partisan politics, occupying their time to do whatever it takes to either stay in office or, if in opposition, get back into office.

The expression “Fiddling while Rome Burns” beautifully describes the situation in Saint Lucia. Our political leaders, those in government and opposition, occupy themselves with too many unimportant matters and neglect priorities during a crisis.

And yes, Saint Lucia is in a crisis, one where its young men are dying in large numbers by gun (primarily) despite the measures in place to deter that type of criminality.

Immorality and corruption are rife in the land. Robbery is boldly being conducted in broad daylight with robbers unashamedly daring the island’s law enforcement agencies to do something.

Single-parent homes are increasing in this country evidenced by the mothers who go to aid agencies seeking assistance for themselves and their children for almost everything especially necessities like food, clothing, housing, school books, school shoes and more.

We believe the above maladies plaguing this country can be solved if we advocate and bring strong men back into society and family. The role of strong men in society and family has always been crucial, more so now than ever. Strong in this context means strength that transcends physical prowess and encompasses emotional resilience, moral integrity, and the ability to provide support and guidance.

That is the type of man we need in society today. We do not need men who abdicate their responsibility and force women to play the dual role of mother and father. We do not need men who turn a blind eye to immorality, corruption and other evils in their homes and workplaces and society.

While the focus of this article is on men, there is absolutely no intention to undermine, minimize or belittle women. We know that many of us today can testify to the strength of mothers, who not only kept the household orderly but ensured that their sons and daughters stayed on the straight and narrow. In our society women have all too often borne a disproportionate share of the burden of feeding, teaching loving and mentoring the youth who will be the adults of tomorrow.

And so, when we say that Saint Lucia today needs men who can be role models and mentors, particularly for younger generations, men who can demonstrate the values of hard work, perseverance, and ethical behaviour, thereby inspiring others to strive for excellence and integrity in their own lives, we are not discounting or in any way disparaging the strong women in society who have had to stand and have stood out as examples for our youth.

We reiterate that strong men are as needed in homes today as ever they were.  The concept of good parenting envisages the duality of mother and father.  We thank heaven that single mothers have traditionally risen to fill the void left by irresponsible fathers but men are by no means relieved of their responsibility to provide emotional support and stability. They offer a sense of security and comfort, helping family members navigate life’s challenges. Their presence can foster a nurturing environment where children feel safe and valued.

Strong men contribute to building healthy relationships within the family. They model respectful and loving interactions, teaching children the importance of empathy, communication, and mutual respect, a foundation that is essential for developing well-rounded individuals who can form positive relationships outside the family.

Strong men help family members reach their full potential by setting high standards and encouraging personal growth. They support educational and career aspirations, providing guidance and motivation.

Beyond the family, strong men often take on leadership roles within their communities. They engage in civic activities, volunteer work, and other forms of community service. Their involvement helps build stronger, more cohesive communities that effectively address social ills.

The importance of strong men in society and family cannot be overstated. Their influence extends beyond the immediate family, shaping communities and society at large. By embodying strength in its many forms, they help to create a Saint Lucia where everyone can thrive.

Can the strong men in the Saint Lucian society today, though too few, please stand up?

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