We were not always like we are now, I recall in my boyhood days, the friendliness towards one and other, the giving and sharing, supporting each other and the appreciation for services rendered.
Let’s start with an ungrateful child. Despite having one or two parents in your life, at least until age 18 or beyond, care of all types had been given to you: food, clothing, shelter, medicine, school needs and in some cases, allowance, toys, gadgets etc. – all provided with one thing in mind: to give you a stable life, even a “better” one.
Some parents are willingly go hungry, work more than one job, humble themselves and in some cases get abused, even take the blame for you and defend you tooth-and-nail.
But behold, the time comes when the ungrateful person in you will have little regard for the many sacrifices made for you by parents and you end up shaming them with your outrageous behaviour.
In most cases, no help is given in return – yet “until death do you part”, you still expect to get or obtain anything left behind by these same parents. You will fight, or even kill for it and have no remorse – and if called upon to contribute to your parents survival or sustenance in any way, some of you would quickly decline, not even to contribute to the burial fees after their final moments.
This same attitude remains throughout your life: always about receiving but not sharing or giving. In some cases, some are under-employed or not gainfully employed and some generous employer gives you a break and despite the training or general support plus pay, at the first opportunity you would leave the job and talk only negatively about your former employer.
In politics it is the same thing: most agencies under government care, such as the police, the teachers, civil servants, customs, health and sanitary workers, all expect a job, a salary and protection, if possible until they reach a ripe old age. But if the government requests better performance, or more accountability, or standard performance, or better results, you object and blame “the system”, but never yourself for your attitude.
It has been common practice for the government of the day to deal with infrastructure concerns, but little input into social necessities and now we see benefits for so many people, both young and old. But now that you find a government that cares and is leaning in that direction, you still find reason to condemn and criticize it. It’s like some are never satisfied or grateful for the support rendered and are always looking for more
Some expect to always be the recipient, but will not help themselves, not be a team player, nor have a positive mindset. Today, some kill for self-gratification, for personal gain, for selfish reasons, caring not how it creates burdens on the general society and the county, or our image on the global stage. All that means nothing to those we are discussing because they only want to be remembered as ‘the baddest kid on the block’.
How do we progress as a nation, how do we set good examples for the coming generation, how do we improve our livelihood when such attitudes are so rampant? Are we determined only to destroy? Do we enjoy chaos? Are we so insensitive and dehumanized that nothing matters anymore? Is destruction our only ambition?
I sincerely hope that we change this new direction, because it’s hurting our entire society – and it’s not good for business.
And to all those that encourage such behaviour and attitudes I say be very careful, because if we aren’t careful as of now, “too late shall be OUR cry!”