Letters & Opinion

Critical Infrastructure Breakdown!

By James Stanislaus
Minister of Infrastructure, Stephenson King
Minister of Infrastructure, Stephenson King

AS the Philip J Pierre administration marks its third year in office, it is imperative that we reflect on its dismal performance, particularly in the realm of infrastructure development. This government’s tenure will be remembered for its egregious failure to deliver on its promises, instead, it has brought the country’s infrastructure to its knees. Upon assuming power, the administration halted over 90% of the ongoing infrastructure projects initiated by the previous Allen Chastanet-led UWP administration, citing corruption and mismanagement. However, despite the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate these allegations, not a single charge has been laid thus far.

The St. Jude Hospital Project, Hewanorra International Airport Redevelopment Project, Rodney Bay 4-lane Highway Project, Tavern and Choc Housing Projects, and numerous road rehabilitation projects were all abandoned, with no evidence of wrongdoing. The administration’s actions reek of deceit, dishonesty, hypocrisy and incompetence. They accused Fresh Start, the company behind the Rodney Bay 4-lane Highway Project, of colluding with former Minister Guy Joseph in corruption, only to now beg the same company to recommence the project. How much more money is the contrived stoppage of this project going to cost the tax payers of this country?

The Tavern and Choc Housing Projects were halted due to alleged lack of planning permission, only for it to be revealed that the necessary permits were in place. Today, I’ve been reliably informed that the government has asked the original contractor, Fresh Start, to recommence both projects? The consequences of these actions are dire. The people of St. Lucia are now burdened with the financial costs of litigation fees, interest and penalties on delayed projects, and the increased cost of materials and services. It is nothing short of scandalous that the taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill for the government’s ineptitude.

The government’s excuse for not fixing the roads, that they cannot do so during the rainy season, is a pathetic attempt to deflect responsibility and a surreptitious insult to the people of this country. The designation of 2024 as the “Year of Infrastructure” is a farce, a cruel joke played on the people of St. Lucia. The government’s inability to deliver on its promises is a glaring reminder of their incompetence, dense bravado and lack of vision.

The truth is that the St. Lucia Labour Party lied to the people while in opposition, and when they got into office, they had to pretend to investigate the projects, knowing full well that there was no corruption. This callous deception has cost the country tens of millions of dollars and commuters and drivers millions more in spare parts, and time lost navigating the crater-riddled roads.

The road network in St. Lucia is currently in the worst state it has been in the modern history of this country. Potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces have become a norm, making it a nightmare for commuters and drivers. The government’s inaction has led to a situation where the country’s roads are no longer safe, and the people are forced to endure the consequences of their incompetence.

At the heart of this failure is the Minister of Infrastructure, Stephenson King. With eight consecutive years of service in this capacity, and a stint as Prime Minister for four years, he has no excuse for his abysmal performance. He is, without a doubt, the worst Minister of Infrastructure in the Eastern Caribbean. His tenure has been marked by inaction, incompetence, mediocrity and a flagrant disregard for the welfare of the people.

The people of St. Lucia should demand accountability. We should demand that the members of this failed, deceitful, and wicked government personally bear the financial burden of their actions, rather than passing it on to the taxpayers.  The people of St. Lucia deserve better. We deserve a government that is transparent, accountable, and committed to their welfare. Furthermore, we demand the immediate resignation of Minister Stephenson King. If he refuses to step down, we demand that the Prime Minister takes immediate action to dismiss him. Enough is enough.

The country cannot afford to continue down this path of dishonesty, ineptitude and mismanagement. The Ministry of Infrastructure must be led by someone who is capable, competent, and dedicated to delivering results. Anything less is unacceptable. The time for excuses is over. The time for action is now. We demand accountability, and we demand it now!

1 Comment

  1. The current government is nothing but a bunch of stupid, vindictive, crooked thieves. The sooner they are sent into the annuls of history the better for all St Lucians. The UWP wants what’s best for St Lucians. This government only wants what’s best for their personal benefit and gain.

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