
Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat Statement for Carnival 2024

The Secretariat of the Substance Abuse Advisory Council has released a statement calling on Saint Lucians to make their safety a priority during carnival.

“The carnival season is now in high gear and it is truly an exciting time for lovers of this festival. A time for fun, for frolic and for freeing up. With all the energy and excitement that comes with this time of year, we at the Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat encourage all to spare a moment. Let’s also plan on making safety a priority; your safety and that of others,” the release stated.

Noting that alcohol traditionally featured greatly in carnival celebrations and that it does not promote its use, the Secretariat listed certain things that a person can do to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol and smoking.

“Do not drink if you have not eaten. Ensure what you choose to eat is not salty as both salt and alcohol cause dehydration. After every drink with alcohol, be sure to have water. Do not accept drinks from strangers and if someone is serving you a beverage, it is best to watch as it is being prepared, poured and served to you. Importantly, for you and for fellow road users, anyone who is driving a vehicle should not be drinking any alcohol. Drinking alcohol negatively affects coordination, alertness and good judgement. Do not drink and then get behind the wheel of a vehicle to drive. Vendors sales and profit are both important but not at the expense of our children. Do not sell or serve any drink with alcohol to children.

To people who have a habit of smoking, our public spaces including the carnival parties and shows, are shared spaces of enjoyment. Let us be considerate. Smoking of any kind in any public space makes it uncomfortable for non-smokers and can affect the health of people who have certain health challenges. Let’s just clear the air by keeping it smoke free. Let’s make choices to create a memorable, inclusive and safe carnival for all who chose to be part of this year’s events.

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