
Immersed in Carnival? Keep an Eye on the Weather

THE vibrant rhythms of carnival music now filling the air wash over us and the colourful costumes that will be swaying through the streets Monday and Tuesday, glimpses of which are presently consuming our attention, should not cause us to drop our guard regarding preparation for bad weather during this festive season.

We are calling on Saint Lucians to remember that while carnival celebrations bring joy and unity, the event also coincides with the Atlantic hurricane season, which officially began on June 1 and lasts until the end of November.

To the carnival organisors, revelers and patrons to the event here are some crucial points to consider:

Hurricane Awareness: Please recognise the potential threat of hurricanes or storms or heavy rains during carnival. These powerful products of nature can disrupt festivities, cause damage, and pose risks to life and property. It’s essential to stay informed about weather updates and heed official warnings.

Regarding Preparedness Measures:

Emergency Kits: At the same time you are preparing your carnival outfits, also assemble an emergency kit. Include essentials like non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, and important documents.

Secure Your Property: Before the revelry begins, secure loose objects, trim trees, and reinforce windows and doors. Unsecured items can become dangerous projectiles during high winds. You want to come back to a home that is intact after your fun time.

Know Your Evacuation Routes: Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and shelters. If authorities issue evacuation orders, follow them promptly.

Communication Plan: Discuss communication plans with family and friends. Ensure everyone knows how to reach each other in case of separation during the festivities. This means that you must ensure that all phones are fully charged before leaving home

Stay Informed: Monitor local news, radio, and official government channels for weather updates and advisories.

Follow the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) on social media for real-time information.

Sign up for emergency alerts via text messages or apps.

Carnival Safety Tips:

Hydration: While dancing, gyrating, celebrating, having a good time, we remind you to stay hydrated. Dehydration can exacerbate the effects of extreme weather conditions.

Avoid Flooded Areas: Heavy rains associated with hurricanes or storms can lead to flooding. Steer clear of flooded streets and low-lying areas.

Temporary Structures: If attending outdoor events, for example the street parades, we are calling on you to be cautious around temporary structures (stages, tents, chairs, banners, etc.). High winds can cause them to collapse or make them missiles of destruction.

Emergency Contacts: Save emergency numbers in your phone. Include NEMO, local police, and medical services.

Community Responsibility:

Look Out for Others: Check on neighbours, especially the elderly or vulnerable, during carnival celebrations and offer help if needed.

Report Hazards: If you notice any hazards (fallen trees, downed power lines, etc.), report them promptly to authorities.

Remember, safety should always be our top priority. Therefore, as we celebrate carnival, let us also keep a keen eye on the weather. By staying informed and prepared, we can ensure a memorable and safe carnival celebration for all Saint Lucians.

Never must we forget the devastation experienced by Carriacou (Grenada) and (Union Island) Saint Vincent caused by Hurricane Beryle just days ago. Any serious weather pattern can cause a serious disruption in the functioning of our lives. We are already a vulnerable people therefore let’s not make things worse by being unprepared. Let us be prepared so as to reduce the negative consequences of nasty weather conditions.

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