Letters & Opinion

The misconception of democracy

By James Stanislaus

The Opposition has spent considerable time highlighting the importance of democracy here at home, but in our view, insufficient time has been spent by our people in both understanding and addressing the situation. If we recall when St Lucia attained its independence, many of us were excited over the fact that we now had more say in running our affairs. The bottom line to this achievement was democracy and as the major powers moved away from their role, locals assumed the various positions without one day of contention.

Today, as the current administration holds a two thirds majority, we are experiencing a situation where democracy has lost its voice. This is a very unhealthy situation and government must now start recognizing the difficult path which they have now created. Human beings remain very strange bedfellows and tend to remain silent for a period, but the time comes when frustrations takes precedence and therein lies the power of democracy.

St Lucia like many other countries has its ills, but ills must be addressed and the fact that this administration has silenced the guardians of the nation and disrespected the Opposition is tantamount to abuse which will bring repercussions whence least expected. The fact that government remains clueless in addressing the homicide rate and other criminal activities, it’s because of their lack of communication with the Opposition and the guardians of the country. No man is an island and no one government has all the answers.

Today, the PM has been summoned to Brussels to discuss some very important issues but the whole trip has been shroud in secrecy. In brief, our government has handled the CIP program with insufficient understanding, despite several warnings, thereby, bringing about the displeasure of the European Union.
Our weaknesses now threaten the security of the EU by shady characters getting hold of our passports. We sincerely trust that the outcome of those discussions does not include our people now having to attain visas for further travel to Europe. Finally, it is not too late for government to learn from their errors and turn to a new page in governing the country.

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