
Pierre’s List of Projects for ‘Year of Infrastructure’

ON March 26, 2024, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre unveiled an ambitious roadmap for Saint Lucia’s progress for the fiscal year 2024/2025 called the “Year of Infrastructure.”

This is a resolute commitment to revitalizing the nation’s essential structures and making promises of transformative changes.

But before we determine whether this may be too much of a challenge for the government, let’s find out what infrastructure means.

The backbone of any thriving society is its infrastructure, which encompasses more than mere bricks and mortar. It signifies the intricate web of physical and organizational elements that sustain our daily lives. From sturdy buildings to well-paved roads, reliable power supplies to efficient schools, infrastructure is the bedrock upon which progress rests.

Road expansion and repair programmes are high up on the list of infrastructural projects the government plans to tackle this year. Seeing that the island’s road network is the lifeline of Saint Lucia, and to ensure seamless transportation and connectivity, the government should not just talk about roads but show its commitment to expand and repair all existing roads. We need smooth highways and well-maintained byways so that the country can facilitate commerce, tourism, and make the daily life of citizens comfortable.

Our roads, often riddled with potholes and dimly lit corners, have long been a point of frustration for citizens. Therefore no one can be blamed if in their minds, roads, as an infrastructure to be fixed and maintained this year by the government, means roads without potholes, brightly lit at night, properly marked with clearly seen signage at corners and junctions.

Regarding our roads, mere promises to fix and maintain them won’t suffice. We reiterate, Saint Lucia’s road network is its lifeline a conduit for commerce, tourism, and daily life. We demand more than rhetoric; we seek action. Smooth highways and well-maintained byways are not luxuries, they are necessities. The government must demonstrate unwavering commitment to both expanding our road network to accommodate the exponential increase in the number of vehicles in our land, but also to repairing and maintaining existing roads, ensuring seamless transportation and connectivity.

Education, rightly placed on the list of projects for 2024-2025, holds the key to our nation’s future. Yet, revitalizing school facilities, creating conducive learning environments, modernizing classrooms, and upgrading amenities is no small feat. It requires vision, resources, and unwavering dedication. Our campuses must be safe havens for knowledge, fostering growth and nurturing young minds. The promise to enhance education infrastructure is commendable, but let actions speak louder than words.

The St. Jude Hospital Rehabilitation Project features prominently on this year’s list of infrastructural endeavours. We applaud the government’s verbal commitment to this critical sector. Healthcare infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the well-being of our nation. We urge the authorities to prioritize state-of-the-art facilities, advanced medical equipment, and skilled healthcare professionals. By doing so, we elevate our healthcare services and enhance the lives of Saint Lucians.The Prime

Minister’s assertion that “sports unite us” resonates deeply. His commitment to rehabilitating sporting venues, including the iconic Daren Sammy Cricket Ground, reflects a vision of community cohesion and national pride. Equally important is the focus on affordable housing. Stable societies thrive when families have comfortable homes. We eagerly anticipate housing projects that foster community bonds and provide safe havens for our citizens.

Diversifying our energy sources, another project on the list, should not be mere rhetoric. It is a strategic imperative. The Prime Minister’s pledge to explore alternatives, reduce our carbon footprint, and secure a sustainable energy future for generations to come is laudable. Let us hold the government accountable to turn these promises into tangible actions. We eagerly await an expanded energy landscape on our beloved island.

As citizens, we hold our leaders accountable. The “Year of Infrastructure” cannot be mere symbolism; it must be a pact
-a shared commitment between government and people. If this fiscal year falls short of our expectations-of brighter streets, smoother roads, and thriving schools etcetera it will not go unnoticed.

The words of the song gives us hope. May the music not let us down.

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