A man who was shot by police in the early hours of yesterday morning could count himself lucky seeing that he fired at the officers in an attempt to elude them. Here is the police version of what transpired in the heart of the city:
“About 2:30 a.m., near Peynier Street, Castries, officers had cause to discharge rounds of ammunition in the direction of a male suspect, who sustained injuries.
“Police officers on patrol had earlier attempted to bring a vehicle to a stop for a traffic infraction. The driver drove away and eventually abandoned his vehicle. A foot chase ensued, and in an attempt to elude the officers, the suspect discharged his weapon at the officers, causing officers to utilize lethal force. A Taurus pistol and live rounds of ammunition were recovered from his person.
“The suspect, a thirty-year-old resident of Ciceron, Castries, is currently admitted at a local medical facility in stable condition.
“Initial inquiries have uncovered that the suspect has an outstanding Warrant of Commitment on Conviction for the crime of Possession of Firearm in his name (name to be released following charges). Additionally, the suspect has failed to comply with a Court Order to pay a fine of sixteen thousand dollars (XCD16000.00) following his conviction.”