Management at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) is reporting that officers, last Saturday, used minimal force to subdue an inmate who exhibited unruly behaviour while receiving medical treatment.
A press release from the facility yesterday said that the inmate, Adelburt Daniel, was being persistently uncooperative at that time.
The release further stated that Daniel, a resident on the remand block at the BCF, displayed disruptive and unruly behaviour to the extent that his behaviour created a disturbance within the entire facility.
“Consequently, the inmate was referred to the Medical Doctor at the Facility. Upon examination, Daniel was further referred to the Mental Wellness Center for further care,” the release stated.
It added that as customary, Daniel was restrained and placed on an escort vehicle for conveyance to the medical institution. However, prior to leaving the facility, he resorted to the aggressive behaviour again.
Daniel continued his aggression after he was transferred into the vehicle, which resulted in him causing damages to the metal security bars inside the vehicle and breaking the back windscreen.
The Doctor was informed of the inmate’s behaviour and he requested to see Daniel again, which resulted in the inmate being placed in a cell to compose himself.
Later, a team of officers proceeded to the cell and attempted to gain the cooperation of Daniel with limited force. In the process, he failed to comply with verbal commands and negotiation techniques; and as a result, less-lethal force was used.
Due to his unruly behaviour, the officers had to subdue the inmate to prevent him from hurting himself. As a result, one round of less-lethal munition was discharged in Daniel’s direction which did not hit him.
Officers discharged a second and third round of munition which hit Daniel as he continued to behave aggressively. After a fourth round of munition was discharged, the officers managed to get Daniel to comply.
Daniel was then subdued and escorted to the Medical Unit where he was treated for injuries sustained from the munitions. He was further treated for his initial condition by the doctor and conveyed to the Mental Wellness Center where he received care and was discharged.
The Director of Corrections has commended the staff for defusing the situation with Daniel.
A BCF spokesperson contends that whilst the situation could have resulted in death, officers used limited force to avert the situation and prevented self-harm, injury to staff, other residents and further damage to government property.