TOO often, policies are enacted, yet the enforcement is left wanting. We know that government sets action in motion and puts persons in place to manage and implement, but for some unknown reason, there seems always to be cracks in the system. Laws are broken with impunity, citizens ignore rules and laws on the books seem to be regarded with an anything-goes mentality.
I have the impression that people get paid, get opportunity, yet there is no accountability, no transparency, and no progressive steps on a consistent basis, as it seems we take two steps forward and four steps backward, meaning we are always at a standstill, or in reverse.
If one can be hired, he or she should also be fired if there is no progress in the role. I do not know if it is because we place square pegs in round holes, but the right person for the task does not seem to be the order of the day.
Pay should mean service, not pay as a favour.
We cannot progress with that mentality and if there is no change in how we do things, then we are spinning top in mud.
Honesty must become the best policy; and if people are enemies of an establishment, they ought not to be hired.
The world is dealing with problems of all types, so we too have to grapple with our own.
We cannot have the tail wagging the dog. Controlled and dedicated approaches must be used.
We cannot fight a war if the soldiers are not trained or committed to the battle or the war.
Our Country needs committed persons to chart the way forward. What must be done has to be done. We must cut-out the excess fat, the misfits and the leeches.
There should be no compromising, no favours just because you voted for the party, or you have a good name, or friends that favour you.
We can’t progress on sympathy. Too many people are looking for opportunities, while false persons are in place. We have to become real and stop the leakages, the wastage and the non-progressive staff must simply go or be sent away.
So, I say, we must change to progress not to regress. If not, we shall pay a high price for our failure to deal with our reality.
Many think that things should remain as is, but I say such people are enemies of the state.
The bad apples must be removed from the sack, we must weed out the spoils and replace them with the better ones.
Among the whole lot of us there is also good, but they must be identified and installed as replacements for the wasted and failed employees. We have to take a stand. We have to call a spade a spade and stop being hypocritical with what exists.
For prosperity to gain a solid ground, we must become firm and resolute. If not, in years to come we will all lament our failure to act.