THE Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development informs the general public that the Sea Turtle Fishing opens from Sunday, October 01 to Sunday, December 31, 2023 both days inclusive. All harvesting and sale of sea turtle must cease at midnight January 01, 2024.
To better regulate and manage the fishing during the open period, special conditions have been implemented for traditional and registered fishers to engage in fishing activities at authorized designated areas.
Fishers and the general public are hereby urged to observe and comply with all regulations stipulated under Section 33 of the Fisheries Act Cap 7.15. Contravention of these conditions shall result in a maximum fine of five thousand dollars (EC$5000).
Further, the Department urges the cooperation of the public to report anyone or an establishment contravening the regulations to the Marine Police, District Police Stations, Praedial Larceny Unit or the Fisheries Department. The Department of Fisheries will continue to monitor activities island-wide to obtain information on sea turtles captured during the period and will work with the enforcement agencies to ensure all conditions are adhered to.