
National Green Party Addresses Resignation of Members

THE National Green Party (NGP) was born of the Lucian Greens political party, which itself was formed in 2010 to wholly embrace the Core Values, Ideology, and Principals of the Global Green Party Model and bring them to Saint Lucia in the context of Saint Lucian society. Lucian Greens contested in 2011, and, as a natural progression, morphed into the National Green Party in 2020, contesting the 2021 Election.

One Core Value of Green parties worldwide is Social Justice — which includes equal human rights for all, free from discrimination whether based on race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, social origin, or any other prejudice. Another is Pro-choice for women under certain conditions, encompassing reproductive rights and the decriminalisation of sexual services.

During a post-Election debrief, hosted by the Party Leader, Andre de Caires (in which the Core Values were highlighted), it became apparent that there was a miscommunication, for which NGP Leaders take full responsibility, of those Core Values to members who joined during the frenzy of the Election campaign, and it transpired that those members were unable to embrace some of the Core Values. Since Global Green Ideology remains a vitally essential component of the NGP, we reluctantly decided to accept the resignations of those members and friends who felt they could not wholly embrace them in their entirety.

We wish to take this opportunity to again thank those members and friends for their extremely hard work and sterling efforts during the NGP’s 2021 Election campaign. We are truly grateful to each and every one of them for their honesty and integrity, and wish them every success in all their endeavours in the coming years.

Andre de Caires Leader, NGP 24 August 2021

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