
Tea and Testimony Brings Women Together

Image: Sipping and sharing testimonies.

THEY were supposed to adorn themselves very prettily in pink, preferably with a hat. Many of them did, last Sunday at the Tea and Testimony event held on the grounds of Government House.

Image: Celebrating women was the focus of the Tea and Testimony event.
Celebrating women was the focus of the Tea and Testimony event.

Hosted by First lady Raquel Du Boulay-Chastanet, the event was in celebration of last Friday’s International Women’s Day with the monies collected going towards a charitable cause.

Image of First ladies past and present – Rosella King and Raquel Du Boulay-Chastanet.
First ladies past and present – Rosella King and Raquel Du Boulay-Chastanet.

It was a time for women to meet, talk, share issues, reacquaint with friends, share inspiring stories and contribute to the cause for which the monies collected were going to – the Women’s Support Center.

Image: Cupcakes were in abundance.
Cupcakes were in abundance.

The weather held up, the various booths did their thing and the women all seem to have had a jolly good time, many of whom went away with fabulous door prices. Here’s a pictorial look at some of the ladies in attendance.

Image: Sipping and sharing testimonies.
Sipping and sharing testimonies.
Micah George is an established name in the journalism landscape in St. Lucia. He started his journalism tutelage under the critical eye of the Star Newspaper Publisher and well known journalist, Rick Wayne, as a freelancer. A few months later he moved to the Voice Newspaper under the guidance of the paper’s recognized editor, Guy Ellis in 1988.

Since then he has remained with the Voice Newspaper, progressing from a cub reporter covering court cases and the police to a senior journalist with a focus on parliamentary issues, government and politics. Read full bio...

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