THE EDITOR: Shameless is about the only way we the police officers can describe the behaviour of a non-Saint Lucian leading a very saint Lucian organization.
How can we accept the ideology of an individual with no significant environmental qualifications occupying the forefront of an organization like the National Trust and be permitted to deny the most significant national organization of a home for our officers?
The other St. Lucians involved in this political masquerading should sit back and consider and the rationale, as their approach flies in the face of responsibility and respect to the sons and daughters of St. Lucia who have placed themselves at the forefront of our security in these trying days of heightening criminal activity, more so when the National Trust does not have the legal standing to undertake such a course of action.
We are also disturbed by the comments of the former leader of the SLP that the Police Headquarters and Criminal Court should not be constructed on the site of a former prison compound despite the unacceptable conditions under which police officers have to perform their duties.
We are all St. Lucians and should not politicize what is respectfully due to the police force. (Former Police Sergeant)
Apparently, news of the formation of Caricom has not yet reached the writer. Hope he gets the word sooner than later. Here is a big word for the writer to learn…patrimony.
I wish the writer had taken a few minutes to read the St. Lucia National Trust website before taking a plunge into writing. This would have avoided him looking like a fool. I took a few minutes to read it myself. By the way, if I live in a foreign country for 35+ years, you bet that I would know the lay of the land.
Remember, reading is fundamental.
The writer is absolutely correct. Its only when it is convenient to folks like you, Caricom matters. Patrimony vs Patriotism. The writer is a Patriot.
Patrimony vs Patriotism? Ugh! What was that? Hmm! (as in perplexity).
That is: A derelict, abandoned crack house in the heart of Castries. Is slated for demo to make way for a new central command police head quarters. The writer is concerned about the good and welfare of police officers nation wide. And here you are talking about reading the Trust web site. So keep the crack house, preserve our national historic edifice, do not develop the land. It’s our Patrimony. The National Trust members are salaried at 10k and grater a month per person, compare that to the Government(s) contribution to education. It stands at EC$100 per student, per school term, per school. The teachers carry the burden. the national trust is a disgrace. The writer is a Patriot!!
Whoever said to keep the crack house? Absolutely no one said that… except you. The likelihood is that a facade of the building will be preserved thus allowing for the building to be erected. Ever thought about that little one? Did you? There are many ways to skin that cat. You never thought about that. I can tell, because of your one track mind.
Poule Chou!
Stop kidding yourself. My line of work entails, design, Build and Finance….That crack house in its entirety must be demolished. Do not change your tune now that you have facts before you The writer was totally against the Trust halting the project for obvious reasons, naive you jumped into the Patrimony fray. Folks like yourself need to stay clear from situations you all know very little about. Caricom endorse the influx of Haitians into our Caricom community and Saint Lucia is yet to join the CCJ. What is you and the Trust take on these two issue. And THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE.
If you are building anything, it has to be chicken coops. I was involved in architectural work for many years in 90s; you don’t sound as if you know Jack about the field. Stick to working with wire netting.
Poule Chou!!
“I was involved in architectural work for many years in 90s”. And what exactly does that mean? And you do not understand the functionality off a structure….Poule Chou, continue apposing for apposing sake.
The serians broke down all our beautiful French Chatoes in Castries and erect big boxes in its place. Is that your involvement in architectural work?
I would like to know who or what I’m addressing. The article is undersigned former police sergeant yet sometimes the writer used the word we. I would like that cleared. I would like the former police sergeant to tell me where was he when the truly st Lucian organisation was being attacked by Chastanet? What was his position then and now? FOR HERE we have a truly st Lucian organisation denied its means of funding for no particularly rational reason other than ideological differences. Now that is a big shame for that is as childish and immature as you will ever find them. Ninsense!