A Range Of Tools To Be Used In Fight.
MOMENTUM is building for a strong response from the State to the spate of rapes that have been recorded in the country with measures such as pepper spray and a sex offenders list, among other things, being suggested.
But while the forces are being arrayed to fight the rape scourge Catherine Sealys of “Raise Your Voice St. Lucia Inc.” is noting the lack of legislation to support the above measures, advocating instead the re-opening of the forensic lab at Tapion, the implementation of the OECS Family Law Bill and Child Act as better measures in the short term which would take care of several problems faced by women and children.
“You would have to make amendments to the Criminal Code to bring some of these measures like a sex offenders list into reality,” she told The VOICE.
The police force is also formulating its own plans to fight the current wave of rape cases being reported although it was unable to say yesterday exactly how many incidents have been reported so far this year.
Severin Moncherry, who took over the post of police commissioner yesterday, announced the activation of a special sexual assault team tasked with countering the spate of rapes in the country but working in tandem with the Vulnerable Persons Unit, which is a team of trained police officers selected to handle the crime itself and the victims.
“I will be putting a team in place very soon responsible for reviewing all rape cases that we have had, looking at patterns and putting in place special patrols aimed at detection and prevention of rapes, especially in the north of the island,” he said.
The new police commissioner added that there soon will be police surveillance using modern technology in both the north and south of the island.
“We are hoping that with this new team in place we will be able to at least not only reduce these rape cases but also bring some of those perpetrators to justice,” Moncherry said, adding that the police force will be using every bit of the resources at its disposal to ensure that women are not violated in the country.
Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony has added his voice to the debate about tougher measures to deal with rapists suggesting that a serious look be taken at an idea he made months ago for establishing a sex offenders’ list.
Health Minister Alvina Reynolds is also in favour of this move.
“In the short term, apart from the realization of the pepper spray and sex offenders list there could be a permanent special victims’ court. This I am proposing because there is a backlog of rape and sexual offences that have not been dealt with in the courts. Imagine a court case in 2008 and in 2016 it has not been dealt with. There has not been a conviction and the perpetrator is on the road. It is because of these rapists becoming so emboldened. They have no fear,” Minister Reynolds said, calling for swift justice for rape victims.
“From the time of arrest to going to court and prosecution, this must be swift. Justice must be done and swiftly,” Reynolds said.
Some of the measures being advocated in the short, medium, and long term to deal with the wave of rapes in the country include arming women with pepper sprays, teaching them self-defence, creating a sex offenders list that would scar the rapist for life, a change of how rapes are evidenced in court, among other things.
“We are declaring war on rapists, however, we are not declaring war on men…,” Reynolds was quick to note at a discussion Thursday with a cross section of the society, both men and women.
The spike in rape incidents here, from last year to now, has blown the lid off a crime that has been hush hush over the years in its reporting.
Although part of a broad crime category called ‘Sexual Offences’, rape has managed to draw nationwide attention when last year it increased by 25 percent compared to the year before, while other crimes under the umbrella of sexual offences registered decreases or no change, according to police. An example of this is gross indecency which decreased by 70 percent.
My daughter was raped 7 and a half years ago. Her rapist was apprehended within a few weeks and charged with kidnap and rape. He paid $10,000 bail and as a result is still walking around, living his life as the case has yet to reach High Court. Where is the justice in that? The judicial system needs to change so rapists are punished much faster. My daughter is still suffering after effects of her traumatic assault, while her rapist is free to strike again.
It is self-evident that none of the individuals who crow about their intent to adequately address this abomination of rape and physical violence against the most vulnerable in our midst, are at best grandstanding and in the worst case hypocritical.
There is a certain irony, that right next to the House of Justice/Courthouse on Micoud Street, stands the Flagship of Misogyny. In this Flagship of Pedophilia, and rape, young men are taught that the Woman is a Cursed creation; Cursed by God eternally, because if it were not for these Evil women there would be no suffering and Sin on the Planet Earth.
The young minds are poisoned by these perverted, socially maladjusted Priest, who demonstrate their loathing for the woman, by putting on a show of celibacy, while indulging in masturbation, alcohol comsumption, rape, pedophila, while they watch porn day and night in their rooms in the Presbytery with the other sickos.
While Rape is demonstrated by way of brutality, it is a mental and psychological disorder induced by poisoning the minds of the male with the teachings from this King James Bible. King James was a notorious “MAL MAMA”, who was known for incestous sodomy with his many close relatives, while openly proclaiming his deviant lifestyle – that a book claiming to be the “Word of God” would be authored by this demented Homosexual and known hater of the woman, is nothing less than a complete condemnation of these Catholic Christian Misogynist, who prefer to drink alcohol, watch Porn, and mastubate in their rooms in the Presbytery, then serve you the flesh and blood of God without washing their hands, than to have a normal relationship with the woman, to raise a family and all that it entails.
THE BIBLE: Because of the WOMAN, we all must die ? If it were not for this “Evil Woman”, John Compton would not be dead, and God would not have to Kill himself on Good Friday??
This is the SICK SHEEET being taught to men about the woman. Yet Alvina Reynolds and Mary Francis and the rest of you hypocrites like Rick John WAYNE, calling yourselves Roman Catholics, support this evil and abomination. You have to be sedated to think that these people are really serious about stopping the sexual abuse of women while they pray and worship a naked Caucasian MALE as their God and Master..
21. Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure.
22. A woman, if she maintain her husband, is full of anger, impudence, and much reproach.
23. A wicked woman abateth the courage, maketh an heavy countenance and a wounded heart: a woman that will not comfort her husband in distress maketh weak hands and feeble knees.
24. Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.
If Alvina Reynolds, Mary Francis, and Mr. Moncherry are serious, and not just grandstanding about putting an end to the Rape epidemic, let them demand that Rivas and the other socially maladjusted misogynist Priest in these Christian Churches stop teaching men to HATE THE WOMAN, because of what Eve did with Lucifer in the Garden o Eden, and God cursing ALL WOMEN FOREVER AND EVER. These sick perverts even say that little innocent babies are born in sin, even though they did nothing evil – Rivas and you bunch of Freaks and Perverts in the Presbytery, STOP TEACHING CHILDREN TO HATE WOMEN, you sick sons of LA-JAH-BLES!.
These Mentally ill, Socially Maladjusted perverts, who spend their lives jerking-off, teach us that God hated the woman so much that he God ONLY wanted a MALE CHILD, only begotten/biological child, SON-OF-GOD.
What kind of a God is that? to show such blatant prejudice that he wants NO DAUGHTER- OF-GOD? You see this worthless BOGUS God, as taught by these Satan Worshipers like Rivas and Clovis, are nothing but liars, even telling lies against Allah/God who is NOT A NAKED MAN WITH A LITTLE PENIS, but a God who is without equal and can be compared to nothing in Creation – God is NOT a Spirit, Not a MAN, Not a WOMAN – GOD IS GOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS CREATION.
THE KING JAMES BIBLE? How would God entrust his word to this GROS SALOP, King James?
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.
Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. “The king leans on his [Carr’s] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others.” (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)
Carr eventually ended the relationship after which the king expressed his dissatisfaction in a letter to Carr, “I leave out of this reckoning your long creeping back and withdrawing yourself from lying in my chamber, notwithstanding my many hundred times earnest soliciting you to the contrary…Remember that (since I am king) all your being, except your breathing and soul, is from me.” (See The Letters of King James I & VI, ed., G. P. V. Akrigg, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1984. Also see Royal Family, Royal Lovers: King James of England and Scotland, David M. Bergeron, Univ. of Missouri Press, 1991)
– Skip Church
King James’ favorite male lovers were the Earl of Somerset and the Duke of Buckingham.
– Ben Edward Akerly, The X-rated Bible
James’s sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying “King Elizabeth” had been succeeded by “Queen James.”
– Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne
King James 1 was a known homosexual who murdered his young lovers and victimized countless heretics and women. His cruelty was justified by his “divine right” of kings.
– Otto J. Scott, James the First
Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was “newly translated out of the original tongues,” the work was actually a revision of The Bishop’s Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.
Desiderius Erasmus was a “Christian humanist” who collected Greek (and Latin) New Testament manuscripts and compared and edited them, verse by verse, selecting what he considered to be the best variant passages, until he had compiled what came to be known as the “textus receptus.” Early English translations of the Bible, like those mentioned above, were based on his “textus receptus.” Erasmus was also a monk whom some historians believe engaged in homosexual activities.
But without both King James and Erasmus, the most widely touted Bible in Christian history would never have been produced, the KJV (or shall we say, Gay-JV?) Bible.
This wicked and evil spirit known as King James who wrote your bible, even accused the Holy Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, (Allah’s Peace be with him) of being a homosexual, yet you hold a book authored by this evil spirit as sacred? What is wrong with you Loosians!
James, a physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James’s every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.
As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers “sweet child and wife” and referred to himself as “your dear dad and husband.” But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.
The first of the king’s minions was Robert Carr, Groom of the Bedchamber, who the king elevated to earl of Somerset and appointed Lord Chamberlain. After six years of favors and royal gifts Carr was brought low, accused of murder and sent away from court. The second and greatest royal favorite, the extraordinarily handsome George Villiers, rose from cupbearer to Gentleman of the Bedchamber and ultimately to Earl of Buckingham.
“I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else,” James announced to his councilors, “and more than you who are here assembled.” He compared his love for the earl to Jesus’s affection for the “beloved disciple” John. “Jesus Christ did the same,” the king said, “and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his John, and I have my George.”
With such pronouncements King James seemed to reach a new level of outrage, especially when he compounded his offense, in the view of many, by heaping Buckingham with costly jewels, lands, and lucrative offices.
-Royal Panoply, Brief Lives Of The English Monarchs
Carrolly Erickson, History Book Club
How can a cabal of male deviants, whose philosophy is founded upon HATE SPEECH, WHITE SUPREMACY, SEXISM and PEDOPHILIA, be allowed to teach the venomous doctrine of the inherent evil nature of the woman to our children ? I am asking all of you, especially the women of the island, to stop this self deprecating actions of praying and kneeling to this naked Male, nailed to a crosspost saying that God is a man, if you truly desire to end this sexual abuse of women.
God did not create man in his image and likeness. This is one of the greatest lies ever told by Satan – God is Unique! nothing can be compared to God! Did you ever think, that the animals that have gone astray, say the same thing? The monkey ? the Gorilla ? Rick John Wayne ? Black Josie ? Donald Trump ? Bush ? All of them say that they are created in the image of God; even the snake. Allah gave all creatures the ability to communicate; they all have language – Bees, ants, Dogs, Cats, Lions, birds; ALL HAVE LANGUAGE. And NO, God is not a Spirit or Ghost.
But this teachings by these socially maladjusted boloms, who have taken residence in the Homeless Shelter called the Presbytery, teaching that God cursed the woman amounts to nothing short of hate speech to degrade women, and deserves total condemnation. How can any woman of dignity kneel before a Naked man dripping blood with his period, and say that’s her God ? From Perlette Louisy to Alvina Reynolds, these beautiful Strong Black women, have lost their minds, by the poison administered to them by that same Caucasian who raped them and their mothers and daughters on the plantations.
The Black woman must demand that these treacherous perverts and deviant socially maladjusted freaks living in that Homeless Shelter called the Prebystery, where they mastubate while being aroused by alcohol and Porn, stop teaching young men that the woman is evil and cursed. This is sick! How can a normal man, see his wife kneeling under a naked Caucasian, expressing her love for this so-called Jesus ? This is what demented clowns and charlatans like Rick John Wayne and Black Josie do, as they go around the world telling Caucasians, “I’M NO BLACK! I’M MIXED; SO GIVE ME WHITE WOMAN?” “I ROMAN CATHOLIC, AND MEMBER OF BRITISH EMPIRE”. Fucing dumb jackass!
We need radical changes in our society that we must all be willing to accept and adhere to in order to reduce the incident levels of violence within our society. Everyone has to be involved. Sacrifices has to be made. Individuals at all levels have to be held accountable for their actions and behaviors. We also need to implement new laws, correction, reinforce laws that others consider outdated or criminal in intent so as to regain control of our society.
we keep sending mixed and confusing messages to our citizens by being more concerned about how we are perceived by the world rather than figuring ways of addressing our everyday problems, some what have become total crisis on hand. We need to implement hash laws for repeat offenders who are involved in criminal behaviors. To every action there will always be a reaction. However, especially of late, the intent seem to be focused on the protection of the criminals rather than the violations committed against the victims.
. It is high time that we reinforce some of the old laws as punishment that some advocates term ” violation of rights” that these criminals are entitled to. Let us establish brainstorming sessions using the media, community buildings in our society, holding public meetings and gatherings where the public is encourage to participate so that these new laws are fair. Let us devote the time and effort while working tirelessly to ensure that these new laws are part of our every day lives because they are mentioned on a constant basis.
. Education has to be our number one priority. Education of the ills of not adhering to the laws while stressing the value and respect and appreciation of each other as a means of re-establishing pride and acceptance should be our focal point. Once in place then we need to discuss and enforce rules or laws that are such that they detract criminals from simply acting without thinking.
. Corporal punishment needs to be reintroduced as a measure of deterrant to these waves of crime. Others will speak out against these laws. However, they have laws within their own systems that are more barbaric in nature and we need to take a stand and notify them of their these laws while we continue to push for preserving and protecting the major population of our law abiding citizens.
. Individuals who guilty of repeated criminal activities should be flogged un public, as barbaric as it sounds. Cold blooded murderers should be imprisoned for life without any chance of pardon or parole. Gone should be the days that if an individual loses his temper and feels he should take a life, especially in petty matters, who has become a normal practice. Hence the reason for the increase in crime. These repeat criminals have become masters at learning and understanding how our criminal systems work. They understand that today’s present society is willing to trade the life of a person for an average of ten years imprisonment. The rapists understand that in exchange for a few thousand dollars they are allowed to continue raping and terrorizing our communities. Inact laws that repeat rapists should be surgically castrated or imprisoned for life without parole. Let us not use the excuse of over crowding to free serial killers and rapists while imprisoning other citizens for petty crimes.
. That still does not mean we are encouraging petty crimes. They should face punishment but trading places with callous rapists and murderers should not be an option.
. Some nations of the world will denounce these actions or laws. We need to inform them their systems still allow and promote execution of their people even while they denounce our laws. Let us challenge them on the premise ” He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
. If these rules that are considered outdated and barbaric in nature are reinforced, only then will individuals begin to think of the consequences before commuting these heinous crimes. Tough timed calls for tough laws. We are the ones being held prisoners in our communities by the criminals. Not them.
. The question now stands, do we have the fortitude to stand up against the false preachers of justice who claim to speak out against such laws while they have similar laws of their own, while we use those laws as a way of trying to return some form of normalcy within our society?
The abuse and hatred of the woman continues unabated at “FULL SPEED AHEAD”, with the latest victim of Male Hatred of the woman materializing in the murder of a twenty-three year old female in Micoud. Yet, there is no public outrage and condemnation of the fountain of misogyny by the Men and Women in leadership in Lucia, demanding that the teachings by the Christian Churches, that the Woman is AN EVIL CREATURE, deserving to be raped and abused, because she is “MOE-DEE”/CURSED for ever by God, and were it not for THE WOMAN Man would not die.
24. Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.
When will our women like Queen Pearlette Louisy, and Alvina Reynolds, have the courage to take on Goliath? There is no hope to expect the Self-Hating, emasculated, and castrated Negro males like Rick John Wayne, Black Peter Josie, and Gale Rigobert to act differently than their publicly expressed hatred of the Black Woman. These Negroes are abject failures with identity problems, and in search of a Caucasian woman to kiss them, and transform them into White Jesus.
Unless and until there is PUBLIC condemnation of these misogynist perverts, who teach that God is a White man who didn’t want a daughter, because the woman is so Evil, therefore God had one child, the “ONLY BEGOTTEN SON-OF-GOD”, the woman will continue to be the victim of the hatred taught to men in these churches by a cabal of maladjusted strange males, who spend their lives wearing Count Dracula costumes, masturbating all night, drinking alcohol and wine, with a diet of SWINE, and masturbating in their rooms in the Presbytery while reading and watching XXXX PORNOGRAPHY, feathuring women victims of anal sex, and sodomy.
This is God ?