
NURC In Search of a Logo

THE National Utilities Regulatory Commission (NURC), has launched a public competition to find a logo for the entity.

The NURC was established to regulate water, sewerage and electricity supply services. The NURC Act No. 3 of 2016 gives the agency a number of functions and powers including: to promote the efficient and economic development of the utility supply services sector, to protect the interest of consumers in relation to the provision of these services, and to establish, approve and review tariff schemes and tariffs, among others.

Submissions to the competition should be reflective of the mandate of the Commission.

The logo should be creative, original and not previously published; must not include any material (photograph, icon, symbol, etc.) that is copyright protected; must reproduce well in electronic and print media, must remain legible when the size is reduced; and must be visually effective in both colour and grayscale. The competition deadline is May 6, 2016.

The winning entry will receive a cash prize of EC$1,500 and a certificate.

For further information, please contact the NURC’s office at 456-0790, or email

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