FOLLOWING a very engaging session with the business community last week, the Vision Commission continues its series of National Dialogues with two sessions for Youth this week.
On Thursday, the Commission met with Youth of the West Coast communities for dialogue on the visioning process. The meeting, which was be held at Whispers in Soufriere was open to young persons from Choiseul, Canaries, Fond St. Jacques and Soufriere.
Prior to the evening session, the Commission visited the Soufriere Comprehensive Secondary School for a brief talk with Form 5 students on how they can participate in the visioning process.
Yesterday, the Commission met with a select group of students of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College to brief them on the national visioning process and solicit their feedback.
The Vision Commission recognizes that young persons comprise the vast majority of our population, and feels strongly that their voices are indispensable in the articulation of a National Vision.
The Commission further recognizes that it is our young people who will ultimately give life to any vision of the future. At the upcoming dialogues, the Commission wants to listen to the views and perspectives of the youth on key issues regarding the future Saint Lucia they would like to help create.
The Vision Commission is mandated to mount a National Dialogue as a vital and necessary precursor to the articulation of a National Vision and National Strategy for Saint Lucia.
Why past students from Saint Mary’ College in particular rose to become leaders in many spheres of national life in Saint Lucia was because of a little spoken about tradition. Six form students were ‘deep’. They had a tradition in the Arts group of selecting a philosopher as guide to their lives, by reading and expatiating on generally his viewpoints. Back then it was not necessary to be politically correct.
I believe that the last students to uphold this respected tradition were the likes of “Straw” , Fo and Peace. What was the societal benefit from this was that it encouraged deep thinking and abstract thinking. It also fostered a philosophy of life and a vision of what was good and proper for the society as a whole. British Constitution, History and French Literature were understood from a cultural perspective and a reason for being.
The products of that era had a vision of what was ideal for society from many different philosophies.. Today’s output from out school system is nurtured by contrast in a culture of sterility deficient of any real sensitivity and empathy.
As the work of this commission implies, a vision now has to be given to leadership because leaders in this country are devoid of any sense philosophical guidance and a vision. Every action is predicated upon short-termisms behaviourally anchored in a fundamental intent not to commit political suicide. In other words, everything is for the attainment of short-term goals, even this commission.
When your vision is shoved into your hands by way of a commission’s report one has to wonder, what part of your being internalizes it, when that was never generated by independent thought, deep self-introspection and inspirational awakening.