DIGICEL once again supported the Courts annual Schools Reading Competition held on Tuesday at the Civil Service Association Centre.
The fun and entertaining competition opened with Gabrielle Barthelmy, Courts Reading Champion 2014 who offered a few encouraging remarks to her peers, shortly after speeches were heard from the OECS Managing Director of Unicomer (St. Lucia) Mr. Errol Le Blanc followed by the Minister of Education, Human Resource Development and Labour Dr.Robert Lewis who both enlightened the students on the importance of reading .
Eight readers were chosen from schools throughout districts one to eight to compete in the competition : Tia Wallace (Dame Pearlette Primary School), Arianna Mercier (Camille Henry Memorial School), Kyle Joseph (R C boys Primary), Rihanna Marshall (Millet Primary), Joel Leon (Micoud Primary), Chris-Anne Moonie (Pierrot Combined) and Marcella Brade (Soufriere Primary).
Each reader had to recite the same short narrative as well as a short news piece which they had only seen a few minutes before the competition started. The students all did a fantastic job with Arianna Mercier emerging victorious in the competition followed by Marcella Brade and Joel Leon in second and third place rspectively.
All extraordinary readers received a brand new Alcatel Pixie compliments Digicel.
Said Digicel’s Marketing and Communications Executive Fiona Smith: “Digicel is pleased at the level which students between the ages of 8 and 9 were able to read, express themselves, use of their punctuation marks, expressions and pronunciation of their words. Reading is fundamental and Digicel is fully committed to supporting companies whose main focus is to help develop and gain a better education in Saint Lucia. Digicel also commends Courts on a job well done in continuing to improve the reading skills of the youth.”