
The First Five Steps To Finding A Job

WHEN you are competing with dozens, if not hundreds of other job seeking individuals, you quickly become aware that searching for a suitable job is an extremely daunting experience. Nevertheless, with first-class planning and preparation you can place yourself in a position of making the best possible application. Here are five steps to lead you through the process.

1. What are you looking for?

By thinking carefully about the type of career path that you hope to entertain, you can narrow down the application process by matching the type of work you wish to complete with your skills and experience, or at least, education. Instead of researching every company advertising a position, you can narrow down your objectives by only investigating jobs that meet your short-term and long-term goals. With this in mind, your CV will be targetted to the right company and at the right time.

2. Plan time for job searching

Whether you are a student, currently employed, working within a non-profit organisation or unemployed, it is still better to systematise the time that you will dictate to search for a job. By applying dedicated time, your planning will show you how to look through newspapers, online job boards and other possibilities for work.

Keep records by carefully listing all of the establishments that you have applied to, include the date and the up-to-date status and you will not make the mistake of failing to apply or applying more than once. When your search is structured and organised, you will be on top of your game when a company responds to your application, rather than wondering who they are and what you applied for.

3. Present a winning CV

Whatever the level of your qualifications and experience, if your curriculum vitae is mediocre or poor, you will struggle to reach the interview stage and probably hear no more about your application. Take the time, and receive advice where necessary, to present a fabulous CV, which makes it difficult for a business to turn you down for an interview.

4. Network convincingly

Throughout your planning process, identify which networking events and business lectures are the most suitable for you because they attract business people and executives. This will provide you with an excellent opportunity to network your way to a job.

5. Be prepared

When you are called for an interview, it is better if you seize the moment and take the opportunity to update your search on the company and prepare your interview question and answering techniques.

You may require the help from a mentor or someone who can help guide you through the process of considering your short and long-term plans for employment and to discuss the types of work that you would prefer and are right for you.

Although you may have to work through a job that is not your particular choice, at a paygrade below the level you require and for a boss that hasn’t mastered their position, you can always find the time to take these five steps to help you find the next job that is right for your requirements, your skills, your education and the career of your choice.

By Samuel Rosenberg

Samuel Rosenberg is the founder and CEO of Axcel Finance Ltd., the leading regional microfinance institution. Share your thoughts and email your questions to [email protected]

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