She has since brushed aside the call for her resignation saying that she will not adhere to what came out of last week’s meeting, which she did not attend. But Isaac plans to be at next week’s meeting.
“I will not resign based on that meeting. If I have to resign it will be on my own accord,” Isaac told The VOICE, commenting on last week’s meeting.
Of next Tuesday’s meeting she had this to say: “At that meeting if members want me to go, yes, I will go”.
The back to back extraordinary general meetings were petitioned by different factions within the Association. One hundred and fifty members signed a petition under section 6.7 (i) of the Association’s Constitution for last week’s meeting. Proponents of the petition said that the vote taken called on Isaac to resign from the presidency.
Next Tuesday’s meeting is as a result of another petition signed by about 180 members. At that meeting it is hoped that members will vote to retain Isaac as President.
“We are hoping that at that meeting the situation will get back on track so we could continue the work of the union,” Isaac said.
Also on the agenda for Tuesday is the Union’s position with its negotiations with government and its stance on the proposed 5 percent cut in salaries the government still wants to enforce.
The reason for last week’s meeting was given as Isaac’s decision to join the ranks of the United Workers Party and her acceptance of a senatorial position from the party, two acts which, it is alleged, compromised the political neutrality and independence of the Association.
Members at that meeting voted for Isaac to resign and mandated General Secretary David Demacque to inform her of their decision within three working days.
However this is not the end to the unfolding drama being played out at the CSA. With Demacque now at end of contract leave, Isaac, it is said, is expected to hold on to his position temporarily.
She confirmed that Tuesday saying that a decision to that effect was taken last month at an executive meeting.
DISSOLVE the current CSA and restart another perhaps dropping the A for an O as in organization or G for Guild. This will effectively bypass all the petty adolescent lawsuits and mistrust of we the people.
Charismatic idolatry is a poor substitute for professional efficiency and ethical regard in the service of We the People . We the people demand effective productivity for our TAX $$$$$!
It is so easy for both politicians and civil servants to forget that they are “servants of we the people”. That we trust them to persevere in our BEST INTERESTS- First and Foremost!!!!
They can use the current constitution as an interim framework. Govt and the people can afford them a short period to regroup and get their true independent act together.
Change is good. The need for vitality pleads for new fresh folks who can abate the staleness and refocus their plight of job security / merits of workmanship/ economic valuation/ dignity etc.
Get it on! Kick it!
Lucians just LOVE a Ka-ka/dispute.
Anyway TOM TOM I am still trapped in Columbus Ohio, and awaiting your invitation to visit you in your sister’s basement apt. Could not leave this place with temps of -4 F. and wind chills of -20 F. because of these extraordinary weather events being referred to as some kind of vortex and cancelled meetings. I will have a 9:00AM meeting this morning and will head North from Columbus, today God willing, so Thomas Aquinas there is still time to send the address.
77777777777777777 777777777777777
The white folks of Bergen County, whom you’ve been very nice to, are in the middle of a big referendum to decide weather you should be allowed to set a foot in this county.
Man, I’m on your side; I’m batting for you; hope you’re allowed in.