That decision came just two weeks after another vote at another extraordinary general meeting at the same venue was taken to force her to resign as president of the Association.
Criticized heavily by some of her own members for her acceptance of a senatorial position from the opposition United Workers Party while she was President, a criticism that led to some CSA members calling for her head, she never once wavered, fighting fire with fire by stoutly denouncing the meeting and its results as unconstitutional.
However, on Thursday the embattled Isaac nimbly sidetracked several attempts by some members to put her on the spot for comments she made in the media and her open alliance with the United Workers Party.
It was a drama-filled two and a half hours at the Association’s headquarters as members shared their views on the latest developments within the Association, with Isaac being the principal target.
The Association’s constitution came in for a battering as well for its silence on some crucial points that would have clarified many dark areas over which members have had to use their own judgment, and which had led to controversy after controversy within the Association.
Wilfred Pierre, the acting president somehow set the tone for the meeting when in the opening prayer he called on God to take over the meeting and take care of the spiritual warfare that is taking place within the Association.
Isaac prevailed in the end, with the attendees voting to allow the current to remain in place and continue the work they were elected to do last year.
The ballots were by a show of hands. One hundred and sixty-six (166) members out of 252 registered at the meeting voted for the executive to remain.
The majority vote also carried on another motion calling on the executive to launch an investigation into some members of staff who allegedly helped facilitate information to the media in an attempt to overthrow Isaac as President.
One hundred and twenty seven voted for the investigation, five voted against, and nine abstained.
Isaac became acting general secretary in the absence of the David Demacque who is on end of contract leave. She will remain in that position until the end of next month when Demacque’s contract expires.
This is so ridiculous. I can’t believe that an organization with a membership that includes the head of departments within the public service and who are supposed to be the brightest among us can be going through this foolishness. It baffles me that miss Isaac has been saying this nonsense about the meeting being unconstitutional for weeks now and not one media person has sought to get a legal opinion on this. I am no lawyer, but from the little knowledge that I have I fail to see anything unconstitutional about the meeting that called for her resignation. No one is preventing miss Isaac from joining any group she chooses but it is also the right of the members of the CSA to decide if they want her to continue to represent them. It doesn’t matter if in her opinion it’s a small group of SLPs that are making noise. The fact is, they are members of the organization and the CSA constitution gives them the Avenue to challenge her in the way they did. What sense would it make to have a section in the Constitution that gives a member the right to request an extra ordinary general meeting once they meet certain requirements, if the president can decide on her own that the agenda item is illegal. Some members are of the view that by you accepting to become a senator for the UWP they no longer have the confidence that you can fairly represent their interest. What is unconstitutional or illegal about that? The correct thing to have done was attended the meeting, state your case, allow those who wished to challenge you to put their motion forward a
And allow the general membership to vote
And the circus continues. What joke!