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Baking Sector Explores Growth Opportunities After Trade Mission to Taiwan

Updated from a May 11, 2024 article

Representatives of the Bakers Association and ministry personnel
Representatives of the Bakers Association and ministry personnel

Representatives from Saint Lucia’s baking sector recently met with Commerce Minister Emma Hippolyte and technical officials from the Ministry of Commerce. The purpose of these meetings was to address critical issues related to industry productivity and sustainability.

The first meeting occurred at the Finance Administrative Centre in Pointe Seraphine on May 14, followed by a second meeting at the Vieux Fort Town Council office on May 16. During these sessions, participants discussed the following key topics:

1. Challenges and Opportunities: Bakers delved into sector challenges and identified growth opportunities. These discussions will inform policy decisions and targeted interventions.

2. Formalization and Standardization: The government’s bakery subsidy programs were a focal point. Participants explored ways to formalize and standardize bakery operations for maximum benefit.

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3. Support for Sector Stability: The Ministry of Commerce pledged support to ensure the stability and growth of this vital industry.

Among the concerns raised were the rising costs of inputs, particularly yeast and shortening, which have nearly quadrupled since pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, participants addressed the lack of a government supply warehouse in the southern region, impacting convenience for southern bakers. Transportation costs from the northern warehouse also affected the impact of flour subsidies.

Commerce Minister Emma Hippolyte and her technical team also engaged with management and staff from longstanding Vieux Fort businesses, Lubeco 1991 Limited and Brice and Company Limited, during ongoing site visits across the island.

Esli Lafeuillée, Director of Commerce and Industry, emphasized the need for revitalization and modernization within the local baking industry. He stated, “We must explore creative, efficient, and collaborative approaches while adhering to best practices.” Lafeuillée highlighted untapped potential and the importance of implementing innovative techniques observed during the recent trade mission to Taiwan.

The southern meeting concluded with Caribbean Grains Ltd. presenting branded aprons to all attendees. A ministry official confirmed that a similar meeting is scheduled for the Vieux Fort Town Council office in the near future.

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